Game-Changing Trends For App and Web Development in 2020

5 min readNov 18, 2019


The biggest influencer for the app and web development is user experience. Figures indicate that enterprise software development is estimated to grow at about 8.3% in 2020. Moreover, the advent of Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Chatbots, Voice Search, and Blockchain; is going to influence web development significantly in the coming years.

Since the technologies are changing so rapidly, it becomes essential for businesses to keep their apps and websites always up to date with the latest trends. Since app and web development is such a complicated process, seamless interaction between frontend, backend, database, and system software is critical. It is precisely the main reason for the growth of app and web development as it offers a wholesome solution.

Latest Trends that Can Add Value to Your Business

Today’s digital world boasts of around 1.8 Billion applications and 200 million websites. It compels businesses to keep thinking creatively and adapt themselves to the change in consumer demands too. As everything becomes unpredictable, new technologies are only going to surprise us in the coming years. Following are some of the significant trends that can change the face of the app and web development:

Programming Languages and Frameworks

Web development is immensely affected by programming languages and frameworks. Also, the demand for web developers hugely depends on the words they are familiar with. Javascript still tops the list of trends as developers find it easier to understand and utilize. PHP and Python complete the combination of the three most popular languages in the present scenario. However, Python is more preferred for developing websites rather than mobile applications.

When it comes to trending frameworks, React.js and Vue.js are the two competitors battling out each other. While React is the first choice, Vue paves the way for laying the groundwork for developing high-end mobile applications. Adaptability and interactivity are two crucial elements on which websites thrive. Hence, it is only wise to create two different versions of a site.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML continue to dominate the web development sector with an estimated growth of up to 30% by 2020. AI can now design websites for businesses eliminating the tedious hours of work and enhance the web designing skills of developers by widening the scope of their abilities. It can completely replace the designers with its algorithm-driven design and eliminate the need to touch codes whatsoever. Human intervention in a user-interface can become history with AI’s integration.

Static Site Generation

Static site generators emerge as the next most significant web designing tools. Static site generators eliminate the need to have databases that are used to create websites. Such generators only need to store text in the format of files instead of databases. You can create a higher-performing website through these generators. They are capable of producing sites with decreased loading times and enhanced security features. They facilitate a smooth workflow and deployment process. Both big brands and startups find it easy to implement as its less expensive, and offers high speed too. Plus, it provides more flexibility than other CMSs as they don’t need a database.

Motion User Interface

Motion UI is one of those most popular upcoming trends in web development that provides support for animations and transitions. It has all the capabilities of being a significant driving factor behind the increase in conversions. It offers ample opportunity for developers to create motion within the native features of an app to create a responsive user interface. The latest version consists of flexible CSS patterns and all the libraries of Javascript. Moreover, designers can seamlessly integrate animation into the websites. It offers access to many predefined motions to use in creating any website from scratch.

It offers an exciting new turn in making web development more than two dimensional. It can also change the way users communicate with the website, transforming the face of storytelling. It will also increase the intuitive nature of the interaction, eventually triggering emotions and enhancing user activity.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) and Progressive Web Pages (PWAs)

AMPs are one of the latest additions that is an open-source platform. It is one of the primary sources behind increasing the performance and speed of the websites. And this helps the developers in delivering enhanced user experience. Moreover, AMP has excellent SEO benefits for the developers as well as for the users as they help in saving their time.

PWAs are specially built to make sure that websites and native applications take very latest technological upgrades into account. They are capable of developing dynamic and interactive web pages. And the best part is, they can be used as a mobile and web app simultaneously. Users can also use them offline as the browsers automatically adjust themselves accordingly without any glitches.

Single Page Applications (SPA) and RAIL Methodology

Single Page Applications is another great advents that helps in decreasing the loading time of pages. Apart from that, they also provide immense support for convenient and straightforward interaction with users. They also streamline the process of dynamic page loading or even a particular content cluster. RAIL (Response, Animation, Idle, Load) methodology came as another great tool to increase performance and speed. The latest version of RAIL 5 has a broader scope for developers when it comes to adding new features. In simple words, its an excellent option for creating customer-centric apps.

Concluding Thoughts

The changing trends in technology open paths for both opportunities and roadblocks. Hence, companies need to identify the exact problem they might be facing and come up with a creative solution that can keep the users interested and keep coming back. Thinking outside the box isn’t the only solution; brands need to broaden their horizons and instead think inside the box. Keeping up with trends also helps businesses in keeping long-term relationships with their customer base. 9Series is one such app development company providing innovative solutions for creating elegant and sophisticated applications and websites by using the latest trends in technologies.




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