1 min readOct 9, 2015


Firstly I like almost all the new changes to the medium IOS app except for the medium logo and the new navigation bar.

The medium logo change and the logics behind was explained in a post I read but I still preferred the older logo although I understand the reason for the change. The old logo has grown on me, it just represented medium to me, the currently logo icon looks alien to me specially looking at the IOS app icon. (See the image below)

Secondly I am not a big fan of the navigation bars colour, it looks very odd and out of place in my opinion. I believe the navigation icons look good and flat; however the colour of the navigation bar is too dark and I believe a lighter colour (gray) rather than black would make it more friendly, lively and blends in with the element yet simplicity of medium.

The points above are just my personal opinion and preference. I know in product design you can not please everyone and everyone will add their two cents, on this response I have added my two cents :)

keep improving medium I can’t wait to see all the features to come


