“How I learned to stop worrying and love being a noob” - visual nugget 22.07

A r e n d . K r u i j t
1 min readFeb 20, 2022


visual nugget 22.07


noun, slang, usually derogatory and meant as an insult

Someone who has recently started doing something new,

like a (computer) game or anything else that requires any skill.

A noob has little or no knowledge or experience at something.

Noob, newbie, nub, n00b, noobie

Let’s face it:

As a baby you were a total noob. The only skills you were born with were eating, sleeping, breathing and filling your diapers. Anything else you do effortlessly today was a thing you sucked at earlier.

Being a noob is uncomfortable. You’re outside your comfort zone and that comes with unease. You don’t really know what you’re doing. Yet.

Being a noob isn’t about what you are. It’s the phase you’re in while growing. You don’t become a pro or stay a pro if you avoid becoming a noob sometimes.

In this changing world, to be a professional you must keep on learning new things. So you can still be a pro tomorrow. So enjoy the unease. It’s what growth feels like.

Only a real pro dares to become a noob again and again. 😊

