Where Can I Get a Totally Free Psychic Reading Online?

Honest Holly
3 min readJun 6, 2019


by Beth Shepherd, leading therapist and psychic.

Oh my that is quite a big ask but not impossible. The answer to where can I get a totally free psychic reading online is this. For months I have looked through hundreds if not thousands of websites and I found that there are two ways to look at this. If free is your main thing then you need to go to just a few of them, maybe just one or two, that deliver the goods. Rather than expecting to be able to pick and choose and take advantage of hundreds of them. Find one that you really like and then stick to it.

Many of the existing sites are set up by call centres and agencies with the sole purpose of getting you to ring and speak to one of their “psychic helpers” paying them so much a minute to hear their voice and have them listen to you. And their idea of where can I get a totally free psychic reading online is to let you speak to this helper for a few minutes at no cost, where you then pay them if you continue and stay on the phone. Unfortunately, most of these people, if not all of them, are rubbish at doing readings, although some of them are great at telling you lovely things that you want to hear and terrific at keeping you on the phone. Some would be more suited to being psychologists rather than calling themselves seers. None of them have any intention of telling you much or answering your questions for free. You may think that you can beat them at their own game and ring them and be determined to make sure you pick their brains and use them for a few minutes and then hang up, but they are just as determined to make sure they have not worked for free and will keep you on the phone so they get paid for speaking to you, and they have had a lot more practice at it.

Even if you do manage to speak to them for a few minutes without paying anything it is a hollow victory as they are not real psychics! Get it. Many of them also work for sex chat lines run by the same companies. The companies pick them according to how chatty they are not how accurate they are. In fact their computer systems are rigged so that the staff who are the most chatty get the first call, and the ones who are not very chatty get few very calls.

So back to the question of where can I get a totally free psychic reading online — If you want something that you can read rather than listen to then you need something which is there in black and white for you to read at any time — this is my favourite and I much prefer it to a telephone call. Because I like to be able to go back and re read it again, whenever, often. It can be a great comfort when feeling low and needing reassurance. You are far more likely to be able to get this type of consultation at no charge than a phone call and it is more likely to be accurate and helpful.

I am an established, qualified and well known clairvoyant myself and I like to have psychic readings! It just does not work when I try to do them for myself. My first port of call when I need a FREE and no sign up no giving email address etc instant reading is here — I love it because it is by an experienced lady who is properly verified and known, not some scam artist nobody has ever heard of, she is popular and busy, not desperate for work, and she really cares about her clients. http://www.accuratepsychicreadingsonline.com/psychic-email-reading

Where can I get a totally free psychic reading online?

