Adding recurring tasks in Org mode

Asanka Abeyweera
1 min readDec 10, 2017


There are some tasks that we need to do repeatedly after some interval. Paying my phone bill is such a task. Following is how we can dump such tasks in Org mode agenda.

Basic Usage

* TODO Pay phone bill.
SCHEDULED: <2012-05-07 Mon 18:00 +1m>

Important parameter to note here is the +1m in the schedule command. When you mark the task as DONE, the task will be rescheduled again to a date one month after the current scheduled date. Some example usages are

  • +1y — Repeat yearly
  • +1m — Repeat monthly
  • +2w — Repeat biweekly
  • +3d — Repeat after 3 days
  • +8h — Repeat after 8 hours

You can use the same for DEADLINE entries as well.

Advanced Usage

The date will always be advanced with respect to the current scheduled date when you use the above syntax. Org mode also provides following syntax if you want to move the schedule task respect to the time you mark it as DONE .

  • DEADLINE: <2017-12-10 Sun ++1W> — will push the date to the first Sunday in the future
  • DEADLINE: <2017-12-10 Sun .+1W> — will push the date to the same day in next week. i.e if today is a Monday, the task will be repeated on next weeks Monday.

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