Correctional Officers and Addiction: 5 Ways You Can Show Your Support during Recovery Month

American Addiction Centers
3 min readSep 18, 2017


The theme of Recovery Month this year is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Strengthen Families and Communities,” and for correctional officers in recovery from addiction, it couldn’t be more on point. The fact is that the high rates of addiction among COs is a problem that largely goes unnoticed by the general public. Rarely do communities recognize the toll that living with the constant threat of harm and exposure to trauma can take on an individual.

Unfortunately, it does take a toll — a hefty one — and during Recovery Month, communities have the opportunity to reach out to correctional officers and support them in connecting with the treatment they need. Here’s how:

1. Attend events. If there are local events going on that are designed to raise awareness about the nature of addiction and the types of treatment options available, take part. Listen to the speakers, explore the educational literature, and find out what is going on and what is needed in your community.

2. Share your story. If you are a correctional officer or your loved one is, and addiction has hit your family, offer to share your experience at a Recovery Month event. Not only is it helpful to raise awareness about the problem of addiction among COs but it can also be a healing experience for you as well.

3. Put your money, time, and energy out there. Do a little research and find out what bills and proposals are upcoming in your state legislature and how they will impact the prison system and the quality of work life as well as access to healthcare and treatment for correctional officers. Next, connect with your representatives and make your opinion on these votes very clear, donate to the organizations that support correctional officers and their access to treatment, volunteer to spread the word, and help in any way you can.

4. Plan to host a Recovery Month event next year. Too late to get involved this year or not enough going on near you? Learn how to host your own Recovery Month event in support of correctional officers in recovery next year.

5. Talk to your loved one who is living in addiction. If a correctional officer you are close to is living with an addiction, help them connect with treatment and give them the support they need to make the transition from active addiction to active healing to active sobriety.

Does a CO You Care about Need Your Support?

At American Addiction Centers, we offer a First Responder Lifeline program with treatment plan options designed to meet the needs of correctional officers who are in recovery for addiction and/or mental health disorders. Our program is highly acclaimed nationwide with multiple locations available to ensure that there is help for all who need it.

This unique program provides a number of core foundational treatment interventions that respect the experience of correctional officers and are geared toward helping them heal and potentially return to work. Among these are:

· Therapists and treatment team members who are trained to work with first responders

· PTSD assessment and treatment

· Medical detox and long-term addiction treatment therapies

· Family groups and support

· Reintegration assistance

If your loved one is struggling due to heavy substance use or addiction, do not wait to seek help. Now, during Recovery Month, is a great time to connect with available resources and begin the process of strengthening your own family and community by helping the CO in your life. Call American Addiction Centers now 1–844–646–4COS(267) to begin.



American Addiction Centers

American Addiction Centers | national behavioral healthcare provider focused on addiction treatment. 800.466.8064