Hate Difficult Conversations? Use the “Positivity Sandwich” Method

Make life easier for yourself, and become more assertive in the process.

2 min readMay 21, 2022

I struggle with difficult conversations. BIG time.

I always somewhat admired people who could be firm, constructive, but still likeable at the same time.

I’m a bit of a people pleaser, I want people to like me and feel ridiculously uncomfortable if around anyone that gives me the impression that they don’t love me as a human being.

It’s so silly when I write it down, I am aware of how pathetic it sounds. But I am who I am, and I can only try to improve in any way I can.

So, for anyone else out there reading this and saying “daaayyum that’s me too” don’t you fret my online pal, I have a little tip to make life for us pathetic losers a little easier. It’s called “the positivity sandwich”.

Burger icon created by Freepik — Flaticon. Poster designed by author.

It’s an effective technique that can be used in pretty much any relevant scenario.

Got an issue with your co-worker/friend/family member constantly being negative and complaining — ALL.THE.TIME?

You can be kind, tell them how you really admire their strength and resilience despite being faced with so many challenges, pop in a ‘lil filling, explaining…




Twenty something mamma, content creator, web coordinator, e-commerce specialist & wannabe writer.