「EN」ABCDE:Why we invest in DeBox

5 min readJan 9, 2023

Jan 09,2023 | BMAN

DeBox is a “Web3 version of Patreon” that reshapes content monetization and community participation. Based on on-chain assets and behavior data, users can join community groups related to their own address without permission. Debox has been online for 4 months, and DAU has exceeded 10K.

The vision of DeBox in the future is from “Web3 Patreon” to “full-stack DAO governance”, reshaping the relationship between creators and communities and the value of the community economy.

1. The core value of Crypto

First, we can discuss a little bit about the value of Crypto:what value has Crypto change?

Crypto has created an efficient decentralized asset verification and transaction network, allowing a large number of people to collaborate, which has changed people’s production relationship, so the value that the creators create can be distributed efficiently. And it is the people who create and maintain consensus get the value they deserve, not platforms and intermediaries.

Just as the Bible 126:5 says:

“They that sow in tears will reap with joy.”

Crypto let those who really create value get their due value.

For example, Bitcoin has reshaped the traditional value transfer and value storage methods such as currencies and banks. And it is the miners and Bitcoin holders who maintain the Bitcoin network get the value they deserve, rather than the sovereignty and intermediaries.

And DeBox goes a step further, reshaping the organization of the community based on the on-chain data, so that the community members and creators who maintain the consensus of the community can get the value they deserve, rather than the platform and intermediaries.

To this end, DeBox highlights two core features:

1.1 Holding community — a community with purer consensus than Reddit:

Let members who really own the NFT or Token enter the community, rather than let anyone enter the community. The Web3 community should not only be built on a group chat, but on a common holding position, that is, a consensus. Because of the common holding position, the community members will form a common incentive to create and maintain consensus, forming a spontaneous community governance mechanism, and the consensus created by the community will also be captured through the common holdings, and the value will eventually flow into the hands of community members, not in the hands of Apple or the other platforms.

2. Web3 membership club — a more user-friendly Web3 Patreon (知识星球):

Community creators can directly establish a membership community, and the fees paid by the members will first enter the smart contract, and will be released to creators every month through flow payment (Programmable Cashflows/Superfluid). It removes the 30% commission from the Apple Store and the 20% commission from the platform. In addition, the participation of community members is bound through the NFT method, and the community value will eventually flow to the community creators and members. Not in the hands of the platform;

This is the core value of DeBox,

Binding the interests of the community through common holdings allows the community members to have a common motivation to participate in the creation of consensus, and also allows the community members to share the value of community consensus. And right now DeBox has become a Web3 traffic portal with consensus with more than 10k DAU.

2. From Web3 Patreon 👉 Full-stack DAO Governance

The community is just the starting point of all DAO structures, and it is only the first stage of DeBox. In the future, DeBox will be upgraded from “Web3 Patreon” to a full-stack DAO governance platform.

DeBox will help the community further manage the consensus. The essence of a community is the social consensus, and a community without consensus is just a group chat. Therefore, DeBox will provide a series of features to strengthen consensus management, including proposals, voting, financing, capital management, exchanges, lottery, contract tools, etc.

The features of DeBox products include a main line (on-chain data) and six scenarios (group\club\dao\nft\star\space). Through these tools, the community can continuously develop consensus. And value of consensus continues to be captured by the community.

In the future, DeBox will become the most native DAO governance platform. Community members enter the community based on common holding positions and manage and govern the community based on common consensus.

DeBox will build a complete DAO open governance platform, and open API to third-party community developers to create more DAO governance tools. Through Token and NFT, community members can better obtain the value they deserve, so as to have greater motivation to participate in the consensus creation. This forms a virtuous circle of consensus creation and value distribution, reshaping the value of the Web3 community and making Debox a key Web3 community traffic portal.


ABCDE is a VC focused on lead-investing in top Crypto Builders. It is co-founded by entrepreneurs, CEOs of listed companies, and top researchers who have been in the Crypto industry for more than 10 years. The co-founders of ABCDE have built multi-billion dollar companies in the Crypto from the ground up. Because we are builders, we understand builders better. Moreover, we have built an end-to-end ecosystem for our builders, including listed companies(1611.HK), exchanges(Huobi), SAAS companies(ChainUP.com), media(CoinTime.com), and developers platforms(BeWater.xyz). If you are a Builder with the dream of changing the world, join us to build the next generation crypto network.



