What are Some Pros and Cons of NetSuite as an ERP?

ABJ Cloud Solutions
3 min readNov 27, 2019

It is a widespread problem that businesses across the globe encounter based on the promises, they expect their existing business management CRM to assist them to grow their business, but in reality, this doesn’t simply happen. The popular and highly used cloud-based CRM system, NetSuite Malaysia, helps businesses to manage and strategize all their evolving perspectives and booked business so that they can smartly manage their resources, but that is not up to the task. Businesses now require going to have to begin searching for other options.

Netsuite Malaysia

One of the widespread problems with conventional CRM is that it is not possible to get a full picture of their business requirements. The functions most conventional CRM layout here are just there to assist businesses to keep a track of their prospective leads and opportunities but that does not have an approach to assist businesses to organize and meet obligations as the projects are in the CRM system.

Users have now realized the major mistakes of conventional CRMs and are now moving towards additionally engaging, single-source and completely integrated NetSuite Services Malaysia. Businesses are now moving away from hauling multiple pieces of baggage in favour of hauling one. Keep in mind that people had to carry a camera, cell phone, and an address book together previously and then they blending in all of these three features came in the iPhone; the solution actually is a built-in integration.

Check Out the Most Common Integration Failures of Traditional CRM’s:

  • One of the most common integration failures of conventional CRMs is that they fall short to track significant behaviour after a sale. As the customer gives an assurance to purchase from you, you stop making use of the CRM system. Businesses cut off from the action they arranged with the customer in one system and move right away to another system to generate the fulfilment. Conventional CRM’s make businesses unintentionally treat their customers as if all that matters to you is generating a sale but have businesses thought of giving the sale. The conventional CRM is not apprehensive with the delivery and for delivering; businesses require another to get the job rightly done.
  • Another common integration failure of conventional CRMs is that they do not put together the product information which pushes purchases, sales and then payments. While making use of conventional CRMs, businesses require using another software application for taking care of their products and services along with the transactions adjoining them. Usually, the CRM systems do not have any idea about the product and services that businesses sell and even if it does, then it is generally a copy of the ones which are in the ERP system. This further leads to a big confusion about the lists, which one do businesses actually trust now; well none of them fully as businesses would be worried that something is off. Now their reports will not work as the information which pushes and recapitulates them is out of sync that will always cause reports to not bind collectively.

NetSuite Malaysia, cloud-based CRM solves all of these issues as it is a fully-integrated system. It quickly reads data as a single record; one lead or prospect or the customer. It constantly keeps a track of the related sales and profits and consumer calls like refunds and returns in one space. NetSuite CRM solution is the fully-integrated alternative that enables businesses to keep track of their important data while leaving some time to draw new customers or analyze their performance. Businesses that recognize the importance for complete integration must right away opt for NetSuite cloud-based CRM solution and lighten up your load!



ABJ Cloud Solutions

We are Certified ERP Professionals aiming to become a credible and trusted partner with ERP Malaysia for the businesses in different industries.