ACChain Monthly Update #3

4 min readNov 7, 2018


October Monthly Progress Report

Wednesday 7th November 2018

Greetings ACChain Supporters,

Another month goes by and with its passing, comes another progress report. So, let’s cut to the chase and talk about it what’s been happening this month.

What’s New?

We previously stated our commitment to making security improvements across the platform and this October showed just how serious we were about that.

Analysis and security hardening were both planned, created and implemented for the Main chain, Asset digitization and Back Office all within the last 30 days.

The team accomplished all this while completing the setup of a local Test-net and all of the planned improvements to the infrastructure of the platform’s wallet ahead of schedule!

The marketplace has been temporarily brought down to make further security upgrades. It’s currently running on our in-house test environment and once all upgrades have been completed the marketplace will be brought back online as soon as possible.

Following this, the team even had enough time to create and install a Super-node monitoring system, continue with building platform integration and set up an automated code scanner to troubleshoot.

With so much completed last month, we have been able to refocus our efforts integrating Smart Contracts, which we expect to be finalised shortly.

This is all to say, this has been one of our busiest months yet and there is still more to tell you…

White Paper Update

As mentioned previously, we have also been hard at work with a redesign and rewrite of our initial Whitepaper and it is coming along great. In fact, below is a short extract from the new Whitepaper we plan to release soon.

Whitepaper Extract:

“The blockchain application uses tokenised digital assets to represent commodities. This creates liquidity and aids peer-to-peer trade by decreasing barriers to entry for private investors. It increases the value of the physical asset and promotes a higher level of participation in the market. It also increases the traceability, which in turn gives heightened trust in the product because commodity provenance is verified. Asset digitisation is the focal point of the ACChain application.

ACChain is inherently designed for interactive business networking. Participants in any of the decentralised applications which are supported by ACChain will be able to interact with other members and build affiliate business relationships. Whether wealthy or poor, each participant in the ecosystem and community can benefit one another without prejudice because the personal ledger each member creates within any one of the multi-chain ecosystems supported on the main chain serves as a factual equaliser.

The Asset digitisation solution accomplishes liquidity being available early to the issuers. The issuers are also assured of receiving of a fair price for their commodity because the price discovery is based on market dynamics and end buyers can pre-order the product at a well discounted price. Asset digitisation also means investors can benefit by trading in the secondary market in addition to being able to get the products delivered (redeem).”

What’s Coming Next?

With our team building momentum on the rate of platform development, we have already lined up the next tasks to tackle going forward.

Further development of the Marketplace, Explorer and Operationalize Exchanges. We also plan to dedicate time to scalability improvements — making sure the platform remains stable throughout our continued growth.

With more hands-on-deck, one of the most exciting updates we plan to put into place is the creation of 24/7 tech support!

We understand the importance of proper guidance, especially when dealing with new technology and with the creation of our tech support, we will be able to help you on every step of your journey with the platform.

We can’t thank you all enough for your support, as the months get busier and the challenges become greater, your support helps to keep us moving full steam ahead.

As always, look at out for next month’s report where we plan to end 2018 on a high note!

Media Enquiries:
Nikki Long —

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Entersoft Security:

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