The 30 day challenge.

Read this last.

Alin’s Portfolio
2 min readJun 10, 2014

This portfolio is meant to motivate the reader, you, to start some new habits that will benefit your life in the long run, and while there’s plenty to read in order to help motivate, a good way to start is by doing.

And so, here’s “Alin Dovancescu’s 30 Day Better Habits Challenge”.

The two self improvements I talked about in my portfolio were running and becoming less materialistic. Starting a good habit of running is something anyone can do, with proper motivation, some spare time and a bit of effort, a healthy habit can be established. Getting rid of life’s clutter however, is a bit of a different story. Establishing the habit is a bit more difficult because there’s so many places to start, with running, you just get out and do it, but filtering out life’s excess is a bit more challenging. And so, the thirty day challenge was created.

This challenge was created in order to help start the organization that comes with becoming less materialistic, and to help get the burdon of so many little things off your mind.

The Thirty Day Challenge

Rules: For 30 days, exactly thirty, you must throw out/donate/sell/get rid of exactly 5 things out of your life per day, every day. These can include clothes, books, tools, toys, any sort of meterial possession you know you don’t need/use/want.

After the thirty days, reflect on how different life is without the 150 less things, and how you didn’t really need them in the first place, it will be a good start on the journey of self improvement.

