7 Ways To Be More Selfless

Amra & Elma
3 min readFeb 16, 2022


The realization and awareness of the need to be selfless is a topic that has been around for as long as humanity has. That said, becoming selfless doesn’t come easily; it requires practice and effort on your part, but with time it will become easier, and you’ll start to notice more positive effects in multiple areas such as:

1.Your mental health;

2.Your physical health;

3.Your social life.

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If you’re ready to start your journey towards becoming more selfless, then these are some tips that will help in the process:

1. Focus on others first, not yourself first

You can’t give what you don’t have, and in order for you to feel like your life has purpose and meaning, you need to make the decision of focusing on others instead of yourself first. You do this by shifting your mindset to the point of making yourself aware of your surroundings, of everyone you meet; whether there are positive or negative people around.

2. Learn how to say “No”

Since it’s an obvious fact that you can’t help others if you can’t help yourself first, this means that you need to learn how to set limits and boundaries so you can take care of yourself. The decision to focus on others isn’t an excuse for you to neglect your own needs; in fact quite the opposite, because only if you’re aware and conscious of your needs, can you then help others by taking into consideration their individual needs.

3. Don’t fear rejection

Of course it’s normal to fear rejection when it’s not about something you want, but about something that they have. In these cases, you can either say “Yes” and do your best to help them out, or if the timing isn’t right for a specific reason, then simply say “No”.

4. Learn how to be assertive

One of the most common reasons why people don’t learn how to say “No” is because they fear becoming assertive. They fear disapproval and rejection, so they end up doing things for others that they don’t want to do, or saying “Yes” when really, they mean “No”. In order to become more selfless , you need to embrace the fact that saying “No” is a good thing, and it can actually help others in their journey too.

5. Be honest

When making decisions about yourself, be honest with yourself first before being honest with others. We often tell small lies to ourselves so we can benefit from something at the moment instead of doing what’s right for us in the long run. For example, if you know that starting a relationship with someone is irresponsible because they drink or do drugs , but you want to be with them anyway, then you need to stop and ask yourself why.

6. Make sacrifices

If you don’t have anything to give up, then make sacrifices. Sacrifice your time, sacrifice your energy, sacrifice your family and friends for a short period of time in order to give yourself the opportunity to help others out. This will not only bring you good karma , but it will also allow you to become more selfless because you’re helping them with no expectation or strings attached.

7. Practice self-care

Once you make the decision to become more selfless , the next thing you need to do is take care of yourself; not selfishly, but in order for you to be able to help others. Eat healthy, exercise, spend some time alone reading a book or watching your favorite TV series. This will ensure that you’re alive and present long enough to continue helping others out.

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