AIAS Coin AmA and Roadmap Update

7 min readOct 28, 2018


Here you have the transcription of the AmA and Roadmap Update done the October 26, 6 PM UK Time on AIAS Coin telegram group.


Project was started back in Q1 this year with the intentions to create our own blockchain with the support of Mastenode technologies.

We approached various MN communities to find and build out our team.

We also have found that PIVx was one of the best solutions out there that we could use and work with.


During Q2 we worked on creating our website and whitepaper ( — you can download our WP from here).

and switched to our private MN sales where potential investors could join our quest on creating and delivering the project from scratch

(stats from the MN sales can be provided if needed to keep transparency with the community)

during Q2 we created the main-net, explorers, wallets etc

and all where shared on our github account

During Q2 we also launched our AIAS Bounty campaign on BTT along with our referral bot on Telegram to support our MN sales

Also we created our own AIASAidrdop Bot (with 50K AIAS to be given by end of 2018 to the community and our supporters)

so all participants could benefit from sharing our project with their peers


During Q3 things started hitting up with us working on getting listed on Various exchanges.

Eneko mind sharing info along with links on the exchanges we got listed?

Eneko As

Yes … on Q3 we got listed on BiteBTC on BTC and ETH Pairs

and we also get listed on ANTmex, but this exchange has some internal problems so we have have maintained the listing out

We postponed the Governance for the Q4


we started working more on AIAS awareness and getting AIAS known on various MN statistics portals

as you can see on the screenshot above we go added on all leading stat portals and also got listed on a new exchange

eneko please share the links to those listings

Eneko As

Crex Exchange →


CoinGecko is a leading market capitalization portal where all cryptos are listed. an alternative to CoinMarketCap

most of the listings we have for AIAS can also be found on our News Channel

with the help of our community, we also started working on #AIASCharity


where we will assist not-for profit verifiable charities and associations to leverage the state of the art technologies along with the POS to raise funds for those in need

and (ps you are more than welcome to tag your favorite charity and association on any of the tweets we have)

on short with AIAS Charity we will be able to assist those charities with donating the MN collateral needed for the charities to setup their own Masternode and benefit from the Mn rewards and Staking AIAS

here is the website for more info:


We also distributed all AIAS of the Bounty program done on Q2.

moving along with the next program we are launching


our AIAS bounty program


While we will be sharing some exciting projects we are working with our team we are starting the AIASCoin Ideas where any community member will be able to share their idea with us and using our resources or various freelance marketplaces to develop it

We ween AIAScoin to be used on as many apps, billing systems and CRM systems out there, so anyone can use AIAS and we will be paying for projects that have been approved after the implementation of our Governance

so lets continue

Our AIAS Buyback program


We are pleased to return value to our investors through our future AIAS Coin BuyBack program, while at the same time to bring back the true and fair value of our project.

We believe that AIAS Coins are an attractive investment opportunity and repurchasing AIAS is an important part of our coin allocation strategy.

AIAS Coin is pleased to announce that over the following 12 months, we will buyback AIAS Coins from major exchanges.

The buyback program will allow the AIAS Coin to retain value by being removed from current market conditions. The program also demonstrates the company’s commitment to increase value for AIAS Coin holders.

The repurchase of AIAS Coins will be used exclusively for community operations and construction, under the vision of safeguarding community interests as well as optimizing the AIAS Coin ecosystem.

The repurchase of AIAS Coins will not be burned, but will be locked up for one year, becoming an important component of the AIAS Coin economic model.

so far we have used our AIAS BuyBack and locked away 80K AIAS as seen on the explorer above

and below

anyone interested could donate on that wallet to support the project further

Also during Q4 we will be coming up with an updated AIAScoin 2.0 Website raising the standards and profile further for AIAScoin

Eneko As

Next on our roadmap for Q4 is the AIAS Exchange

I will share Aias Exchange Features…


Note that due to the depth on how exchanges are setup and operate i will not talk much about it now but will leave it open for discussion for later on, as this is a very big discussion but happily get it the details later on

For now please check the features we will be providing and happily, our team can share more info when needed.

Eneko As

Devs are working hard to have a preview of the BETA as soon of possible for you


Indeed and thank you for mentioning that Eneko.

Indeed our devs are working on the BETA version of the AIAS Exchange, which btw is scheduled to be launched as BETA during Q4 this year

and as is so near, we will also show you the 2019 Q1


We are aiming to have the Governance implemented by Q1 2019, also we will be releasing a new Roadmap for the whole 2019 with some great milestones we believe will help us push further AIAScoin and not just be another Masternode coin as with many out there

During Q4 we are also aiming to have AIAS Exchange operational and with Live trading the top 50 coins/tokens with real-life utility

And also in 2019 we will have a new platform ….


Along with the AIAS Ideas program we shared earlier we will be launching the AIAS Integration Fund, a $400K fund to support the needs of AIAScoin Market, a marketplace where anything can buy and sell there themes and plugins

For AIAScoin related themes and plugins we will support any developer to create those and maintain those.

Think of AIAS Market becoming similar to and the likes of it and with the support of our AIAS Integration Fund we believe this is possible.

Any developer and graphic designer could apply on the AIAS market for funding.

As developers need time we are aiming to have an AIAS Market BETA by Q1 2019

Any developer and graphic designer could apply on the AIAS market for funding

Hope you all are excited for AIAS as much as we are and looking forward to exploring all opportunities moving forward

thank you all for your time and see you all shortly

happily answer any project related questions

we will give it some time and we will open us the group for questions shortly

Our websites:








Aias Exchange:




AIAScoin (Ticker: AIAS) is the premier solution to revolutionize the cryptocurrency and payment processing industry