How Gig Economy will impact Talent Management

6 min readDec 30, 2019


How individuals live, work and spend their money has changed dramatically over the past decade, particularly with the appearance of cell phone innovation. Being hyper-associated by means of social networks has expanded communication and has opened better approaches to profit — online, getting a “gig” (or a temporary work commitment) is as simple as making arrangements for supper or finding a date. The purported “gig economy” is changing the manner in which that individuals see and perform work, and organizations must be prepared to react with imaginative and innovative approaches, policies and projects.

Uber and Lyft. Airbnb and VRBO. Upwork and Fiverr. These platforms are only a couple of instances of organizations that have flourished by grasping the gig economy. Born during the recession, while carried and conveyed into a booming financial period, the gig economy is a pattern toward freelancing and provisional work in all areas of the working environment.

From writing to web development to counseling, over a huge number of various businesses, present day workers are picking to work for themselves and take on gigs with organizations as opposed to secure themselves to a full-time occupations.

This move has significant implications for the modern work environment. Mostly, HR experts are the absolute most fundamentally affected. HR supervisors are on the bleeding edge, figuring out how to consolidate gig workers into their associations.

As some of the brightest minds in the commercial center shifts to the gig economy model — for more cash, more opportunities, more flexibility, more freedom or all — HR offices should deal with what that implies for the eventual fate of talent recruitment, obtaining, improvement, and retention.

Here are four changes HR departments can make right now to prepare their companies for the rise of the gig economy.

Give a hug to a flexible workplace

As the gig economy grows, one of the most noteworthy ways things is it’s influence on the business scene is by bringing work-life balance to the bleeding edge. As indicated by Forbes, work environment adaptability is never again a “pleasant to-have” or a “perk.” Instead, it represents the moment of truth part of the pursuit of employment for most candidates.

Job searchers request adaptability and demand flexibility, and they realize they can get it from the gig economy if full-time employers won’t make a move. Thus, bosses are discovering that they have to bring something to the table which is, strategic scheduling, telecommunication or working from home chances, and liberal excursion packages on the off chance that they need to charm top candidates. Parents with youthful families specifically aren’t moving on these necessities any longer.

HR departments should observe this interest and plan as needs could be, regardless of whether that implies altering benefits plans or finishing system changes to make working from home progressively plausible.

1. Figure out what job profiles can go the gig route

Holding on to your current workers — and proceeding to attract solid talent to full-time jobs — is something that ought to stay a need for your association with the growth of the gig economy. Nonetheless, simultaneously, you shouldn’t disregard what would be inevitable. The gig economy isn’t backing off. As indicated by conjecture information from Intuit and Emergent Research, the quantity of gig economy laborers in the United States will hit 9.2 million by 2021 — up from simply 3.9 million out of 2016. These numbers mean no business can overlook the gig economy, and organizations that can grasp it will be in the best position to catch top talents and flourish.

You may as of now have gig economy workers in your association, for example, temporary workers, consultants, or merchants. Assuming this is the case, you are on top of things — however you can in any case profit by accomplishing more.

Take a look at your association and distinguish jobs that could plausibly adjust to the gig economy. Which responsibilitiess or administrations would you be able to bring into your business on an agreement or independent premise? You should concentrate on empty or destined to-be-empty positions, yet you can likewise take a look at occupations that are right now filled. That way, in the event that somebody leaves your association, you’ll know whether you can take out the situation to set aside cash or change over the activity to independent. Having some flexibility here will assist you with staying agile when perfect gig economy openings go along.

2. Unify, where possible

As indicated by the IBM Center for Applied Insights, “autonomous wrkers, for example, contractual workers or consultants beat traditional employees in work commitment, advancement, innovation, fulfillment, and pride. Where they miss the mark concerning standard workers is in another territory: duty. Gig economy laborers ordinarily aren’t as dedicated to the organizations they work for, and it’s not hard to perceive any reason why. Numerous specialists work for five to ten distinct managers on the double and once in a while keeping up correspondence with multiple or two individuals at each organization.

This absence of duty can hurt organization culture — in the event that you let it. Making sense of approaches to coordinate your gig workers into your association all the more completely is a decent methodology to anticipate this result.

Cultivate coordinated effort by acquainting consultants with more than one point of contact. Giving them access to staff Slack channels or remembering them for department messages will make them feel like a piece of the team. It will likewise break storehouses and drive collaboration and teamwork, which will profit your association. Preferably, the additional incorporation will expand responsibility, which thus will make it simpler for you to set up a pool of go-to specialists that you can depend on over and over.

3. Create an onboarding masterplan

You can’t bear to avoid the onboarding step with gig workers, yet numerous businesses do it, anyway. They don’t run background verifications, give trainings, or do execution audits. Rather, numerous gig laborers work unvetted with restricted supervision and no input until they turn in their assignments. This structure is temperamental and puts undue risk on your business. Keep in mind: your gig workers are still representatives of your brand image. They appreciate and enjoy access to organization data and assets that are likely exclusive or private, despite everything you have to follow and keep up their presentation models as they work.

Structure an onboarding procedure that bodes well for gig laborers. In foundation checking, don’t hold back on the grounds that you are contracting a consultant or a freelancer. Do similar checks you would run on some other specialist, from criminal history searches to education and work history confirmations. You need to ensure each gig employee is somebody you can trust. Concerning preparation and training, you ought to in any event have an opening shot call or video meeting with the contractual worker before getting them in. Regardless of whether the task is straightforward, you need to spread out your expectations solidly and unmistakably.

At last, stay in contact. Urge the freelancer to get in touch with you with any inquiries and pose for an early example of their work to ensure they are progressing nicely before they complete a whole task. These methodologies will establish a framework for a positive manager-temporary worker relationship, which will make it simpler for your business to grasp the advantages of the gig economy going ahead.

Though not a freelancer solution, an international intern could provide entrepreneurs the same working experience, with many of the same benefits that hiring a freelance professional might have. If you’d like to learn more, take a look in our Global Entrepreneur section




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