A testament of our intentions

AIESEC Pakistan
2 min readSep 3, 2021


Writing is the art of telling stories , effective writing brings out stories that need to be told. In a world of despair we look to words for solace and comfort but also for inspiration and purpose.

AIESEC is an international organization that strives for peace and the fulfilment of humankind’s potential. Our brand image stems from the stories of the lives we impact and the change we create. A huge part of being able to continue our endeavor is to get the buzz active in regard to how the AIESEC community in Pakistan has benefitted and nurtured an entire generation of people to be conscientious , empathetic , and true global citizens with a multifold perspective of their environment as well as about things beyond them and bigger than all of us

We have observed that in the last decade the gap between the communities within the country as well as all around the world has widened more than ever before , resulting in great polarization. It is circumstances like this where we must ask ourselves what is the role of a socially responsible youth-run organization like AIESEC and how can we strive to bridge the gap between a planet of diverse communities.

Every historic revolution has seen an increase in thought-provoking art be it literature , poetry , murals , painting or music. We often underestimate the impact that art has over our hearts , the value of words and the power of these narratives. Words will heal these gaps in empathy , words will unite this world and who better than the youth to phrase the narrative for our society

With this aim in mind , and the respect for these stories in our heart we endeavor to bring forth the products of this organization's labor , to enrich all our minds with the experiences of our fellow brethren , to enhance our perspectives and broaden our horizon.

This blog strives to bring to you stories from the hearts of our members , our alumni , our youth communities , individuals that have been impacted by AIESEC in Pakistan and the significance of our efforts as an organization.

We hope these stories help strengthening the inherent brotherhood between the youth of this country and the world , and serve as food-for-thought to the things that are in need of increased discourse

We urge you to engage with us , talk to us , tell us about your journey because we would be honored to listen.

More soon

Blog Team

Kashaf Imran and Zayn Sadiq



AIESEC Pakistan

AIESEC in Pakistan has a rich history with the youth of the country , this blog strives to share a slice of that experience with you. 💙