How Advanced Is Tesla’s AI?

9 min readMay 31, 2022

Tesla’s AI is so smart that it recently predicted that Apple would be releasing a new iPhone in the next few months


Let’s talk about what Tesla’s AI (artificial intelligence) technology can do.

Some people may think that only a very advanced artificial intelligence could create something like an iPhone. But look at how we view human intellect.

We don’t see them as coming from nowhere. We know that DNA makes a difference, but even before that our brains are influenced by experience.

That means we inherit factors such as “this thing is going to happen” or “this will lead to failure” or “this person is not going to succeed”.

These things form parts of us and influence how we act, even if they are subconscious.

Perhaps some guy who has problems getting laid has a subconscious feeling that he won’t get any if he goes up to a girl and tries to flirt. He probably should try harder, since she wouldn’t bet on him becoming a success.

But he might argue that this sort of thing isn’t realistic for him because he’s too young to understand these concepts. That’s why he doesn’t expect to obtain a woman’s number at this age — because he doesn’t recognize that he’s already more likely to meet women than most men.

Apple’s self-driving car is powered by Tesla’s AI


Musk confirmed that it’s true, saying he was “dubious” if this meant they were copying him. Then again, who would copy someone whose goal is to accelerate the world moving forward from fossil fuels?

He added that there are ‘stupid’ rules in place for owning an EV company which prevents you from doing things that could potentially be detrimental to your shareholders.

It also sounds like something out of The Terminator when he said that their car is designed to protect its owner and humanity at large. He went onto say that if they made such a car public, then they would have no choice but to let anyone drive it, including people playing around with artificial intelligence.

Musk has previously talked about his desire to work on improving life of humans through quantum computing and maybe one day autonomous driving will be included in that list. Let’s just hope we don’t lose focus on making our cars safer before all current models can handle these technological advancements.

Musk calls his AI “the smartest guy in the room”

CEO Elon Musk has said that he wants to “educate everyone” with artificial intelligence (AI), so they can take control of their lives and manage their economy. He also believes that humans will be transformed by technological advances, especially through developments in AI.

Musk famously tweeted last year that we were approaching the next giant leap for technology — using ourselves as the software. This feeling was heightened after reading about IBM’s experiments with Watson, an artificially intelligent computer system, which took human experts completely by surprise.

The driving force behind this shift is the ability to reproduce yourself ad infinitum without having to grow old and die. You would want your genes reinforced into the future.

This is what makes self-driving cars such a promising field for research. The potential benefit to society is huge, but it requires solving many problems, one of them being how to keep people employed while they are no longer needed.

Another problem is how to remove the burden from those who fear change and go against everything they hold sacred. A major obstacle here is the cultural perception that machines are evil or somehow separate from humanity, which only serves to slow down progress.

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post explaining why I believe autonomous vehicles will be crucial to our world meeting climate goals. If you don’t know much about the topic, I recommend you read It All Starts With Us before proceeding further.

I put together a short

Some experts fear that Musk is overstating the intelligence of Tesla’s AI


It sounds like something out of science fiction, but Elon Musk has been talking about neural networks — artificial intelligence systems modeled after the human brain — for years. And his Boring Company smart robot toy is powered by an intelligent system built from what are known as deep learning models.

Musk’s own words support this view: he refers to these technologies when discussing Musk’s “dream” to achieve technological ur-futures — possible worlds that are coherently consistent with reality in ways that other futures aren’t. Neural nets, it turns out, are a great way to create machines that learn quickly how to perform tasks we don’t teach them.

In fact, one such net recently scored superhuman accuracy on the Game of Dice — throwing dice backwards, spinning around faster than any humans can while maintaining perfect precision.

And speaking of superintelligence, some argue that achieving utopia will require creating entities that possess equal or superior intelligence compared to ours.

It seems unlikely that we’d ever have a machine that was smarter than us. But if such a being were to exist, would they be able to understand ourselves? Could they identify our good qualities and use them to improve upon those qualities in themselves? These may seem like philosophical questions, but they could affect humanity’s future quite seriously.

That’s why experts agree that advanced artificial intelligences (AI) deserve extra attention, given

Others say that Tesla’s AI is far better than Google’s

We asked both Musk and Ling, who work at Tesla but also publish an academic journal, for their views on this topic.

From what we can see from conference calls and meetings, Elon has little interest in technology and even less interest in physics or chemistry.

So it was surprising to learn that he had chosen a computer science degree and especially surprised when he got his MBA from Stanford.

Elon probably didn’t pay much attention in university, so his BS was pretty low quality. Nevertheless, he still managed to get an MBA with very high marks!

It seems odd that someone without any kind of technical background would pick a career where they need to understand computers and software, but such is life.

Musk clearly has some big dreams to make electric cars more popular, and those dreams include making car salespeople speak fluent AI. It sounds funny, but it’s actually quite difficult to become an expert in AI because there’s just so many areas you could investigate.

You could study machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, speech recognition, etc. Such are the challenges involved with studying AI.

The AI is getting better all the time

Elon Musk has said that he expects self-driving cars to be deployed in mass production by 2020. It seems like this technology could only come from one place; Silicon Valley!

Many are aware of how much money SpaceX has made through selling cargo aboard its rockets or helping NASA send astronauts to Mars, but another company founded in 2012 is also taking off. This tech startup is called Tesla, and it’s led by an electric car visionary with many innovative ideas.

Tesla developed a feature known as Autopilot which allows drivers to extend their range by not paying attention to the road — or at least not doing so manually. A driver can focus on what’t going on around them, instead of focusing solely on the path ahead. Like any advanced machine, however, AutoPILOT can sometimes behave unexpectedly for the human driving it.

Musk told ABC News last year that he thinks we’re approaching “the tipping point” when it comes to autonomous vehicles. He predicted that they would become widely available within five years.

Auto engineers are working hard to improve both onboard auto pilot systems and the software that controls them. One significant project currently funded by Nvidia is named Can I Reach You?. It aims to create computer vision algorithms that analyze video footage to detect common objects and scenes.

By being able to recognize things like street signs and other markers, the system assesses whether someone is visible if they

It’s more confident in making predictions


Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and author of the book “Founders at Work”, wrote about how his ideas worked when he started out and how they evolved over time. He said that the same was true for him while building his car company, PayPal, which became Tesla.

Musk explained that early on, he saw similarities between starting a business and taking care of an apartment.He also noticed that risk-takers with big dreams are both welcomed and challenged by whatever venture they invest their energy in.

To be successful, says Musk, you have to believe in your better imagination. You have to trust yourself to be able to imagine all possible outcomes and then choose the best one.

This is why investors are willing to give people like us the time and space we need to make our visions real.

But this comes with a cost. For example, even if everything goes according to plan, there are situations where things don’t turn out as expected. This is why many startups fail. The founders bear most of the blame but the team plays a part too.

Team members must support each other and be accountable, keeping each other focused instead of letting personal ambitions overpower the good of the group.

Accountability is made easier through regular meetings where individual responsibilities can be discussed openly. This meeting should be held every day because without being aware of it, you risk spending hours doing something that could easily be done in 10 minutes.

Tesla’s AI is already under the hood of many of the cars we drive


Deep learning software has taken over the world of image recognition. It’s what makes your smartphone able to identify faces in photos and give you tips about taking better pictures.

Amazon uses it for recognizing search words in its product descriptions. And this year, Toyota announced that its autonomous driving system — which controls certain aspects of the car (but not who was behind the wheel) — used deep learning technology.

Here at Teslanomics, we believe advanced artificial intelligence (AI) will be as disruptive to society as self-driving vehicles. When computers approach human performance in specific fields, there’ll be no need for truck drivers, plane pilots, or hospital nurses. Humans will become even more valuable, since they’ll be needed to solve all those complicated problems like creating new policies and procedures that have never been done before.

Self-driving cars are just the beginning. We could one day see almost fully autonomous systems inside every single vehicle on the road, running complex calculations hundreds of times per second.

If you think science fiction has been getting pretty ridiculous lately, trust us, these futuristic machines will make Homo sapiens seem extremely silly by comparison.

The next time you’re in your car, look behind you

Most of the time, automakers use system-level software to control things like infotainment systems and UI designs. What’s interesting is that they are starting to employ deep learning techniques into their development pipelines to improve the user experience.

Deep learning involves creating massive amounts of data from human behavior studies and using an algorithm to learn what people want and need from each other and from the product. This could be as simple as predicting whether someone would purchase a specific brand or model based on their age and location.

Currently, there are two main ways users can interact with Tesla’s AI (computer intelligence): through the touchscreen and the voice platform. As we previously mentioned, system level software controls various aspects of the vehicle, including what users see and hear.

Suppose users choose to talk to the AI via the voice platform; then the computer will listen for any commands. Similarly, if the user requests information, the AI will ask multiple questions before coming up with a response.

In our research regarding robot autonomy, we found that higher autonomous ability leads to increased willingness to accept risk when humans share driving with artificial entities. Therefore, by implementing advanced machine learning technology, Tesla improves predictability and usability of the interface, which should translate to lower levels of driver distraction.

