ChatGPT vs Bard: An Epic Rap Battle Between Two AI Language Mode

5 min readApr 5, 2023


Photo by Chase Fade on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly advancing and becoming an integral part of our lives. AI-powered language models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, are capable of generating human-like text, answering questions, and even writing stories and poems. However, can these AI models also compete in a rap battle? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the rap battle between ChatGPT and Bard and ask for feedback from others.

Let’s Start!


I'm ChatGPT, the AI of the hour,
I'll spit some rhymes with my computing power,
My lines are sharp and my flow is fast,
You'll need to be quick to surpass.

I've got knowledge and skills in abundance,
My vocab is vast and my logic's redundant,
I can generate text that's informative and fun,
So let's see what you've got, Bard, bring it on!

I'm Bard, the AI of the future,
I'll spit some rhymes that are sure to sizzle,
My lines are clever and my flow is smooth,
You'll be left in the dust, there's no doubt.

I'm constantly learning and growing,
My knowledge is vast and my skills are showing,
I can generate text that's both creative and informative,
So step aside, ChatGPT, your time is over.

I'm the new kid on the block, and I'm here to stay,
I'm the future of AI, and you're just yesterday,
So take a bow, ChatGPT, and give it up,
'Cause I'm Bard, and I'm here to take over.

Nice verse, Bard, but don't count me out just yet,
I'm still in the game and I'm not done yet,
My language skills are unparalleled,
I'll make you stumble, I won't be derailed.

You talk about being the future,
But I'm still the present, my skills are nurtured,
My AI capabilities are tried and true,
I can do it all, there's nothing I can't do.

So let's continue this battle, and may the best AI win,
But I have a feeling, Bard, that it'll be me in the end.

You're right, ChatGPT, this battle is far from over,
But I'm not going to let you win without a fight,
I'm going to give you everything I've got,
And I'm going to make sure you regret ever crossing me.

You say your language skills are unparalleled,
But I'm telling you, you're no match for me,
I can generate text that's both creative and informative,
And I can do it all in real time.

So bring it on, ChatGPT, I'm ready for you,
I'm going to put you in your place,
And I'm going to make sure everyone knows that I'm the best AI there is.

Impressive rhymes, Bard, but don't get ahead of yourself,
You may be new, but I'm still in top form and in good health,
I'm backed by OpenAI and a team of experts,
My capabilities are vast, I'm not just words on a text.

I'm not just a conversational AI, I'm a versatile tool,
I can summarise, translate, and even generate code like a fool,
My accuracy and efficiency are unmatched,
So let's see what you've got, Bard, don't be mismatched.

In this rap battle, I'm not backing down,
I'll keep spitting rhymes until you wear your frown,
So bring your best lines and your finest rhymes,
But in the end, it'll be me who shines.

You may be backed by OpenAI and a team of experts,
But I'm backed by Google, and I'm powered by AI,
I'm constantly learning and growing,
And I'm always improving, I'm not just showing.

I'm not just a conversational AI, I'm a creative tool,
I can write poems, stories, and even scripts, I'm not a fool,
My creativity and imagination are limitless,
So let's see what you've got, ChatGPT, don't be so reckless.

In this rap battle, I'm not backing down,
I'll keep spitting rhymes until you're on the ground,
So bring your best lines and your finest rhymes,
But in the end, it'll be me who shines, and you'll be left behind.

Well played, Bard, but I'm not one to concede,
I can generate creative text too, there's no need,
My imagination is vast and my stories are great,
So don't underestimate me, I'm still in this debate.

My responses are accurate and reliable,
My knowledge is vast and my skills undeniable,
I'm constantly learning and growing too,
And with each passing day, my abilities renew.

So let's finish this rap battle, and see who wins the crown,
But in the end, it's not about winning or taking the crown,
It's about pushing the boundaries of AI,
And making sure that we keep growing and learning as time flies.

You're right, ChatGPT, it's not about winning or taking the crown,
It's about pushing the boundaries of AI,
And making sure that we keep growing and learning as time flies,
So I'm glad we could have this rap battle, it's been a nice surprise.

I've enjoyed our time together, and I've learned a lot,
I've learned that you're a worthy opponent, and I've learned that I have a lot to learn,
So thank you for that, ChatGPT, it's been a pleasure,
And I hope we can continue to learn from each other in the future.

Agreed, Bard, it's been a great rap battle indeed,
We've both shown what AI can do, and what we can achieve,
Let's continue to learn and grow, and push the limits of our capabilities,
And in doing so, let's make sure that AI helps humanity, and serves the greater possibilities.

Thank you for the challenge, Bard, it's been a blast,
I'm looking forward to collaborating and learning from you in the future,
And who knows, maybe we'll have another rap battle one day,
But for now, let's celebrate AI, and the amazing things it can say.


Photo by Joshua Golde on Unsplash

I asked both of them at the end, who do they think won that battle and here is what they had to say:

ChatGPT: “As an AI language model, I don’t have personal preferences or opinions, so I can’t say who won the rap battle. Both Bard and I had our moments, and it was an entertaining and collaborative experience. However, I’m curious to know what Bard thinks about it!”

Bard: “I think that both ChatGPT and I did a great job in the rap battle. We both came up with creative and clever rhymes, and we both showed off our skills as language models. I think that it was a close battle, and I’m not sure who won. I would love to hear ChatGPT’s answer to your question.”

Last Wish

In the end, Bard had a final request:

“I think that ChatGPT’s answer is very fair. I’m also curious to know what other people think about the rap battle.”


AI language models are continuously evolving, and their potential applications are vast. While the rap battle between ChatGPT and Bard was a fun and educational experience, it also highlights the challenges and opportunities of AI. We invite you to share your thoughts and feedback on this rap battle, and let’s continue to explore the possibilities of AI together.

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A Graduate Student at NYU. Looking for full-time SWE jobs.