Jim Rapport
4 min readNov 2, 2020

4 Things You Need To Achieve That Will Make Your Life Better Quickly & Forever

If you desire ultimate freedom that will better your life, running your own business is one of the sure ways to go.

But before I reveal these 4 things to you, I would like to ask, have you ever thought of starting your own business? Do you know that you can start an online business with zero capital? Biz like;

- Freelancing (exchanging your time for money by providing a service; writing, graphics design, etc)
- Affiliate marketing (like Jumia, but on a small scale, by pitching other biz' products to people- so you earn a commission with every sale)

Imagine working from anywhere, anytime, at your own convenience- no bossy boss, no unnecessary commuting in traffic, no mad co-worker; just you and your phone/laptop plus internet.

This is the type of freedom your own online business can afford you...

This brings us back to the 4 Things you need to achieve to get FREEDOM & live a better life:

1. Freedom Of Time

That's to spend your time doing only what you love doing.

Remember when you were a child & you enjoyed watching amazing cartoons like Spiderman. How do you feel when your parents or guardians try to disrupt your cartoon time? You throw tantrums right? This is how it can be working for another person.

You can only control your own time by being an entrepreneur.

2. Freedom Of Money

Imagine having to wait 20-30 days to earn a salary- which is a fixed amount! No matter how hard you work in a month, your salary would remain the same- except for some jobs that rewards hard work with commissions, and that would still slaving even harder.

But if you run your own business, and your monthly earning target is 150,000 naira. You can make that in the first week of the month, and you just retire to 'relas & be taking kiaroff' (in Mercy, 2019 BBNaija winner's voice).

If you're creating value & helping other people solve their problems, there's no limit to what you can earn. I sometimes make more than $500 in a month, that's 200,000 Naira- 148,000 more than what I earned as a Bank sales staff in 2018. I wasn't satisfied with that life, so I changed it.

3. Freedom Of Relationships

If you have worked in the corporate world, you'd know how bad office politics can be. You will experience co-workers that are always competing with you instead of working with you to achieve the company's objectives. They'll hate on you, backbite & try to break you. Not to mention the bossy bosses as well who can make life hell for you.

With your own biz, you can choose whoever you want to have a personal & professional relationship with. No forced friendship/partnership like you get working in a company or organization.

4. Freedom Of Purpose

If you're in Nigeria, you know how someone who studied Yoruba can end up working in the bank. A trained engineer will be teaching mathematics to students preparing for WAEC. A medical professional will become a fashion designer. All because there's limited opportunities, no jobs, bad economies.

But if you want to align your professional life with your fundamental ideals & values, then starting your own business is the surest path to follow.

If your enjoy baking cakes & other snacks, you can set up a bakery; while delivering for clients, you can also take in students to learn from you, you can train others online & offline to make a lot of money & become a well-known brand.

If you enjoy writing, there are thousands of individuals & businesses that needs written content everyday. You just need to learn where to find them, get jobs, and deliver.

How To Make It Online:

a. Learn a skill
b. Find people who need services your skill can take care of
c. Work and work, and get referrals
d. Repeat and repeat, then scale your business
e. Start an agency that will continue to provide these services & command higher fees

P.S. If you desire to learn online writing, I have a FREE guide for you. Leave your email address in the comment section, and I'll send it to you.

P.S.S. CV Writing is one way you can earn extra money locally & internationally. I have a PAID guide that'll teach you the whole CV Writing business. You don't need to have any prior experience, the guide will show you how to start & earn in less than 2 weeks. Comment CV below, and I'll contact you & tell you the shikini money you need to pay to get it.

P.S.S. This article is not persuading you to leave your 9-5 jobs & start your own business. Like in life, many will fail at their own businesses. And you may even have a side business while earning a salary, and if your biz grows to the point where it can pay you more than your salary, then it's to leave and focus on your business.

Please, like this post if your read it to the end!

Do have a productive week!