The Importance of TPACK and why I am drawn to it!

Adam Craig
2 min readMar 25, 2017


The three components of TPACK:

  • Technological Knowledge: The technological knowledge helps teachers use and combine technology with teaching. As a teacher technological knowledge is about knowledge and understanding of tools that you can use to teach. Eg apps games devices. Technological knowledge is about how teachers use technology.
  • Pedagogical Knowledge: Refers to the art and practice of teaching. Utilising the knowledge and putting into the practice of transmitting the knowledge in an interesting way for the students to learn. Pedagogy not only refers to the accuracy of knowledge but the effectiveness of the teaching on the student’s learning. Teacher may know everything but does not know how to teach.
  • Content Knowledge: Content knowledge is the teacher’s knowledge about the subject matter to be learnt or taught. This knowledge would include knowledge of concepts, ideas, theories and frameworks. -(Koehler & Mishra, 2009).

The importance of TPACK:

TPACK is an essential part of the education system today as it incorporates the growing demand on the use of technology in the classroom as well as continuing the focus on the content and how we teach it. Therefore it sets up education for the future as well as setting up the students for their future.

Impacts of TPACK:

  • Impact on the Teacher: It is important for the teacher to be completely up to date and knowledgeable with the curriculum and the components of TPCK to effectively incorporate it into their lessons.
  • Impacts on the Students: Students of the millennium work better through technology and quite often find the content and direct teaching quite stale. Therefore by adding the technology component to the already existing PCK model the students become more engaged in their learning.

