AMARK — A Trojan Horse for Crypto Adoption

1 min readFeb 25, 2019


Cryptocurrency as a payment method for in-store purchases has not gained significant traction. For consumers, there is little incentive to buy crypto from exchanges and then use it to make in-store purchases when there are many other payment methods readily available. For merchants, there are too few consumers making payments with crypto to warrant the additional setup needed to accept it and convert it to fiat. AMARK eliminates these hurdles to adoption by changing how consumers and merchants interact with marketing.

AMARK, with its mission to develop a better marketing platform for small businesses, quickly realized that there were advantages to using blockchain and cryptocurrency that weren’t being applied. Thanks to these innovations, AMARK is able to target consumers with highly-targeted marketing without the use of private data while serving as a Trojan Horse for crypto adoption in the process.

As featured in our Executive Summary below, the AMARK platform was designed with built-in incentives that drive consumer demand for holding and spending crypto.

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AMARK is an attention-based marketing ecosystem that employs blockchain & cryptocurrency to maintain privacy.