Averion Loopshape Megaterios
3 min readAug 12, 2017


Created by Loopshape for the Linux-Multimedia-Studio music application!

This image shows the music-sequencer “Linux-Multimedia-Studio” (=LMMS) interface, that’s skinned with the WELLENWERT-THEME!

HI FOLKS!!! My name is “LOOPSHAPE” and I’ve created a dark but colorful theme, that was build to skin up the Linux-Multimedia-Studio (=LMMS)

You can download this music-sequencer from the //LMMS.io website as an OpenSource project for >>> FREE <<< ! Just visit the LMMS website and click onto the download-section to get this application, that runs on all common operation-systems like: Windows+OSX+Linux!

There’re plenty of build-in sound-effects available from out-of-the-box to start right now and the GUI (=user interface) has got an intuitive controlling, that’s easy to learn.

I think, that all musicians are loving flashin’ colors and heavy effects while producing their beats and tunes, while doing a performance as a DJ, song-composer or producer by creating powerful digital-sounds on the computer. So I’ve decided to begin my customization for this music application to have a nice and “never-get-boring” theme that contains a rich and strong color-palette, combined with some nice visual effects, to use that sequencer in clubs and other locations (there even is much lightning around)…

…so I was starting to adapt (=taking a finished theme from an other author) some favorite “dark” themes and began to modify all icons from it with the free image-editor G!MP (that’s also OpenSource). The overall main target was to create a rich colored and beautiful arranged palette of elements that shouldn’t get boring as a scheme that’s used as a skin for the LMMS application, because the original interface was build with an almost grey-tone appearance, that doesn’t really satisfy all the needs of having a deep “psychedelic” visual-experience when setting up the sounds.

Now, after some days of looking into the structure of the icon-setup and all their predefined usages and positions, i was able to recolor each icon for a better intuitive handling and gave them a psychedelic and glowing “touch” of all possible colors, that could be combined together so far…

I really hope, you’ll like my redefinition of this colorful LMMS interface and you would like to use that theme for your own, to have a good overview of all given knobs, faders, displays and other elements for control the application. Maybe you’ll be more inspired while creating a tune for your own purposes, when you work with that scheme?

I almost saw some hardware-instruments, that were created by the industry, equipped with a colorful environment for the use on liveacts and deejay-sessions, so my conclusion was the fact, that all LMMS-Fans out there should also have such a nice GUI, that shouldn’t be hidden when played in the club… hehe!

Now have fun and enjoy your music-production with this “crazy” theme!

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Copy the content of the given ZIP package into

…for other operation-systems, you have to look into the correct folder
and put the content into it. Sorry, I’m using Linux for myself,
so I’m not aware of the given folder, that LMMS is using on them!

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Creative greetings,
LOOPSHAPE aka. “Wellenwert”

You can visit my “Wellenwert” Soundcloud account, that is filled up with tunes, I’ve produced with LMMS: https://soundcloud.com/wellenwert

:tags —
#lmms #music #production #sequencer #environment #application #linux #windows #osx #opensource #customize #theme #graphic #user #experience #interface #adaption #modification #redefinition #creativity #share #colorful #scheme #usage

