8 min readMar 10, 2016


ANGELINGS offers a structure of 12 Values. To each one of these values corresponds an archetype. Each month, a report is posted, looking at the news through the lens of this particular archetype. March is The SAGE’s month, looking at Value 12 of INTEGRATION, CONSCIOUSNESS and UNITY.

After paying our respects to our ancestry with the MERCHANT, we broke our own rules with The INNOVATOR. It liberated us and now, all we have left to do is to bring home the knowledge acquired throughout the past year and integrate our lessons. Our faith has been largely tested, and we can now safely open our hearts. We made it thus far. THE SAGE rests into a blissful feeling of unity.

Artwork Elisabeth Linard for ANGELINGS

Hi everyone!

The energy of February-March represents the Archetype of the SAGE.

The attributes of the Angelings’ SAGE mirror the energy of Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac integrates all that it has learned in the exploration of the 11 other signs during the course of the past year, before handing out the baton over to Aries, the first zodiac sign, for a new annual cycle.

Here we are, closing our winter and getting ready for spring renewal, collecting our thoughts and feelings to understand how they complete this cycle in our life. This past year has been eventful, bumpy and sometimes painful.

Today, the potential SAGE in each one of us assesses the lessons learned with wisdom and empathy, like the Piscean energy that infuses the month, starting with a solar eclipse cycle on March 8, 2016 with a Supermoon affecting the whole world, announcing deep healing work preparing us for the spring.

This month, I propose to share my own journey of integration.

… acting upon joy

This past year I published my book, created questionnaires using technology, taught creativity workshops, volunteered at a retreat center, facilitated seminars for groups of corporate executives, artists, women, improvised shows in public spaces, traveled, met new friends, shopped for vintage items, transformed my office into a photography studio, encoded audiovisuals, learned software to treat images and edit movies, created soundtracks, started a blog, wrote about service, balance, suffering, cultural exploration, curiosity, money and innovation, created visual content and published it on social networks, began to use AirBnB as a host and guest, gave astro-tarot readings, attended lots of parties and creative events… and many others things I can’t think of right now.

I did all of these things out of sheer joy.

… trusting the flow

Equally driven to conceptualize, organize and make these projects happen, I felt like a kid in a candy store, in this second year of what I could call my self-reinvention. Having left my career in a NYC office in early 2014 to balance my life between the city and the Hudson Valley, I dedicated my first year solo to writing a book, so my 2nd year was naturally more social, extroverted, and random.

In following the path of highest excitement I challenged myself to let things fall into place organically, trusting in the flow of my environment. As knowledgeable as we can be, there will always be unknown factors to steer our fate away from expectations. Control can only take us so far, and nothing is permanent. Worrying is a habit and doesn’t make us safer; common sense does.

I thought that I would be better off trusting in good things coming my way.

…creating content

My book fits somewhere on the shelf between self-improvement, spiritual enterprise and mild philosophy. It describes a set of 12 values as a conceptual bridge between spirituality and the busy-ness of the mundane, and incites us to use ancient wisdom in everyday life. The book explains why we will be called to make a living out of our creative identity and how we can achieve it.

I wanted to make my book tangible, and make it come alive. In order to establish a connection between the book’s values and our lives, I started blogging monthly, analyzing global news through the lens of the particular archetype of the month, to give the colors and flavors of real life to the text.

I also developed questionnaires about the archetypes to make the book interactive. With the help of my coder friends I engineered lines- long excel formulas and mobile-friendly barcodes to allow users to take the quiz online.

Then I traveled west to look for 2nd hand clothes. I have always loved strolling down flea-market alleys and shopping in vintage stores. The industry produces too much stuff that consumers discard too fast; some of these items can be revamped once presented in a different context. Therefore my team and I started styling these 2nd hand clothes and creating contemporary visual content, to give a face and a look to the book’s archetypal characters. The Scholar, the Artisan, the Server, the Sage or the Transformer all took shape in PDF form, paired with contemporary presentations mirroring today’s cultural environment.

… selling homes

All of these developments are tied to the book and to my expertise in the field of fashion and design trend forecasting. But recently, I took a broad step out of the way. I remembered that there was at least one element that was missing in my life.

Throughout my adult life I regularly have had to visit spaces to move my home or my office, and have somehow always kept abreast of real estate offers available on the market. It was a practical hobby that I wasn’t using directly in my work in apparel, beauty and textile trends.

Since I found my dream house upstate, left my career and built a suitable lifestyle, I have missed looking at apartments and properties. After all, searching for the hidden gem and envisioning the beautiful potential of a remodel is not that disconnected from the world of design. Making it available for others at a good price is also not that far from the flea-market hobby that consists in dusting off great finds and restoring them to their original glory. I also learned a lot about the trade in renovating and maintaining a property and land.

As off-track and as it sounded, I followed my desire. I studied to obtain my license as a real estate salesperson and started my duties as an agent in New York. I am happy to serve the community in providing folks with the home and investment of their dreams. Who knows how this ties into the original Angelings project… except perhaps if we find a great space to establish a brick-and-mortar creative community, parallel to the online one depicted in the book…

…teaching yoga

Another missing factor in my life was sharing my knowledge of yoga. Trained as a dancer and being a hatha/bikram/vinyasa practitioner for 15 years, I have always enjoyed the idea of teaching this life-transforming discipline. Most official teacher trainings require a minimum of 30 days of immersion, if not more. I could never find a free month in my calendar, not as a single mother, not as a business manager and partner, and not as I was writing my book, which took me no less than a full 12 months of dedication.

I am happy to announce that I am going under the radar for a month to take this long-desired yoga teacher training. I look forward to studying the basic Hatha foundation with scriptures, chanting, meditation and ashram community living. Even though the links between yoga and the Angelings project aren’t clear either in the end, the spiritual mood feels right. Once more, the key is to trust.

…astro-tarot readings

I used astrology as a structure for my book and for many ongoing projects. I designed a customizable method that guides users through a 12-box frame of values, covering a full scope of possibilities for brand restructuration, strategy & ethics or product development.

Astrology is a great tool for self-discovery that can be adapted for groups and organizations. I started studying it as a teenager and have kept this flame burning ever since by natural interest and regular practice. Following my heart again, I started giving astrology readings, using the Tarot as an additional guiding tool. These two techniques complete each other well: astrology analyses, the Tarot improvises. Yet both call upon one’s intuition to help us see things through.

… trusting intuition

I have learned to listen to my hunches, for they have served me in the past. I have come to trust an urge to do things without necessarily understanding why, to only understand weeks, months or years later the implications of these choices in my desire to serve my community as best as I can. I have gotten used to unrelated activities with eclectic groups of people. I even enjoyed it, as inspiration is to be found in surprising oneself and others, and showing up in unexpected places.

Each person contains many layers, some of them still inactivated. One cannot be defined that easily. When we provoke non-logic we make peace with our own weirdness. We open the door to the extraordinary. Miracles happen.

… let’s believe in magic

The Angelings word is an extrapolation of the word Earthlings. It proposes that human beings have the potential to bring more magic into their lives. We can remember our forgotten dreams, gather our talents, express our creativity to the fullest, and activate all these dormant facets of ourselves to interact with others and make a living out of it.

… a personal integration

I realized recently that in following my heart I am actually living my own book. Guided through the process of this 12 values method, I fill in the blanks with my specific set of choices and hobbies, putting my skills to use. I assembled this method, told the story, and used it to inspire clients and consult with brands; I know it in and out. I gave the book life and it became a meme returning the favor in daring me to walk my talk and apply those principles to my own life. My lifestyle becomes the creation, “I” become a design in constant evolution.

As much as I have resisted being in the spotlight with my personal experiments, it seems appropriate at this point to go through the fire and share my unfolding story. There is nothing like real-life experience. After all, blogging is a writing act of reality-show. I only hope that this personal journey will inspire me to assist others in exploring their dormant potential.

This is my take on the SAGE’s energy for this month.

I will see you in the spring after my yoga teacher training, with a brand new real estate license, deeper insights in astro-tarot matters, and great energy to help you integrate your inner treasures into the lifestyle of your dreams!

Awesome spring break to you all!

In Creative Spirit,


Check out my Pinterest boards for contemporary visuals in clothing, design, art and lifestyles and The SAGE news blog articles on Google+ collection, ANGELINGSnews on Flipboard, and Twitter.


Make Spirit Work. A system based on values to collaborate and create.