APYC Season 1 — Episode 4: GROUND

6 min readSep 11, 2022


No warrior ever sleeps soundly. Their senses are always half awake. But exhaustion from back-to-back combat and hours of weaving through the forest will eventually take a toll on anyone.

Out of nowhere, the Survivor Apes found their legs collapsing on a wide patch of land. No individual is strong enough to keep ignoring the will of the body. Thankfully, it was a perfect place to replenish their lost strength. They needed rest more than any of the other apes.

In fact, the Shadow Apes, Cave Apes, and Forest Apes did not seem to tire. So, they were the ones who took turns keeping watch.

From 133 to 532 apes.

Even this curious forest would agree it’s extraordinary. The 399 of them who are here now were derived from the OGs — straight out of one’s body and spirit. Hence, they are connected in all ways, the same way that this forest is connected to the crimson field and the desert. It has the power to know who is coming. It knew they were coming.

There was a fire burning in the middle of the land, and the Survivor Apes circled it to keep themselves warm through the chilly night. Peace seemed to reign over the forest now that it’s almost impossible to guess that it houses rabid beasts in sinister caves. The quiet was in harmony with the still waters down the river bank. Only the soft crackling noises the fire made broke the silence every once in a while.

For a while, it felt safe.

Then, a quick but noticeable shift in the bushes. A rustling. It could have been an innocent forest mouse but the apes never take chances. One of the Cave Apes went ahead and checked but found nothing. The others searched for signs of danger around the area but none came out. They let it go.

But the feeling that something was watching them lingered. It was difficult to conceal the size of this army and it was quite a peculiar group not to notice. Luckily, the night let them go unharmed.

The next morning, the Apes decided to trek the mountain to have a better view of their location. Their mission was to find a safer place to dwell. They are fully aware of the fickle nature of the forest — it could offer a peaceful stay to their guests for one night and send killing machines to them the day later.

So 532 apes went ahead and trekked the mountain.

Not even a mile later, the apes felt the same feeling that someone is watching them. The bushes rustled and this time, the trees shook. The apes acted nonchalantly but a plan was being devised on how to win the battle before it even commences itself.

Time passed and not a single enemy came out of the foliage with which they concealed themselves. Soon, they reached a foothill. The mountain was colossal, but they quickly learned that it wasn’t the size of the mountain that they should worry about right now.

Hundreds of rogue apes appeared nearby — behind trees and up the hill. No use in looking for a place to run. They were gathered here — flocked like sheep, the way they were before, at least the OG 133 Apes.

The rogue apes had the same scar on their forehead; it looked etched. All of them had the same malice look in their eyes. They were on a mission.

“Would have been easier if you took your chance last night,” said a bodied ape.

One of the rogue apes lifted its machete and screamed. The war began.

532 Warrior Apes — the survivor bodied apes, Shadow Apes, Cave Apes, and Forest Apes — launched their attack against the enemy. Despite their size, they were outnumbered, and the rogue apes will not stop at anything. But the Warrior Apes are as vicious but smarter.

The Warrior Apes executed the strategy to divide and conquer. Each of the four groups manned each direction.

Bodied apes to the north. Shadow Apes to the east. Cave Apes to the South. Forest Apes to the west. Spear versus machete.

The Warrior Apes didn’t waste time and energy and headed directly to piercing the brain of their enemies. The rogue apes were able to make damage despite their rabid-dog fighting strategy. They flung their machete but the Warrior Apes knew their weapon could stab through the neck and skull rather quickly.

They were winning. At least, in the beginning.

With the number of rogue apes growing still, it became harder and harder to keep up. In the bloodbath that is this foothill, it was almost hard to tell which are the Warrior Apes and the Rogue Apes. At some point, a bodied ape’s arm was severed by a rogue ape. The ape let out a deafening scream and distracted the other apes from their own fight. It was a very small window of vulnerability but the rogue apes took it.

The whole plan started to collapse. They couldn’t understand how the rogue apes could keep on coming. It felt like they have killed more than enough of the original number.

“Goddamn black magic of this forest!”

And it’s true. There was black magic there. A deep voice called out and the rogue apes stopped moving altogether. The Warrior Apes decided to take this opportunity to slaughter what was left of the army. An elderly ape walked forward from behind a tree.

An incantation was spoken. Then, the OG bodied apes were snatched to a strange land, away from the bloody place. They couldn’t feel the other apes anymore. It’s just them. Frozen.

“Finally, the bringers of power.”

The elderly ape cast a spell once more. The bodied apes faded in and out of consciousness. In… and then… out… again.

When they woke up, they found themselves in a dug-up ground, one on top of another, like they were just thrown carelessly into that hole. Their palms were cut open. Confusion and fear overcame the apes. The black magic bound them with an invisible rope.

“Thank you, brave apes. You shall bring me eternal life after your ultimate sacrifice,” said the elderly ape.

Ultimate sacrifice. Everyone knew what it meant — death.

Immediately, they saw rogue apes pushing dirt into the hole. Some of the bodied apes needed time to digest what was happening but the others knew at once that they are lying on their own grave.

Screams and cries for help boomed but none of the other 399 apes could find the bodied apes. 133 courageous and brave-hearted apes. All of them dead.

The final ape to suffocate saw the elderly ape drink their blood from a bowl. The ground shook and then they were gone.


Lake of fire. Earsplitting screams. Torture.

An ominous voice: “Welcome to hell.”

(To be continued…)


As suggested by Caldie after discussions on WASD x APYC, all APYC can only be claimed by ‘We All Survived Death’ Apy holders and not to be sold directly to the public.

💡 WASD Ape holders may keep or sell their APYC Apes. Only when they sell then their APYC journey begins.

⚠️ APYC Apes from Season 1 stay on the deployer account (and will not be sold) until WASD Ape holders claim them. Unclaimed APYC Apes by the end of Season 1 will be killed and APYC supply will be less.

⚠️ WASD Ape Holders: To claim your APYC Apes, dm us your ETH wallet on our Official Twitter only: https://twitter.com/APYClub


💡 There will be new better art coming out for APYC Season 2. All IP owned and licensed based on our ‘We All Survived Death’ NFT holdings.

⚠️ We would like to reiterate: Unclaimed APYC Apes by the end of Season 1 (Episode 5: Hell) will be killed and APYC OG supply will be less.

