APYC Season 1 — Episode 5: HELL

6 min readSep 13, 2022



Death is feared by most, but what truly petrifies every self-aware being is what comes next. Many believe that death is a fork in the road; you either go one way or the other — heaven or hell.

None has ever survived their own demise long enough to give a sneak peek of either one of the two. Still, anyone who believes in those thoughts would never even dare wish they could catch a glimpse of hell. We’re not even supposed to say it, lest we unintentionally wish it to ourselves or to those around us.

The word itself is enough to make any savage beast’s skin crawl. After all, it’s supposed to be beyond imaginable. But with the Survivor Apes, there is no need for imagination.

“Welcome to hell!”

Eyes scanned around without any emotion. It hasn’t sunk into the apes that they are beyond the grave and that this is the path which they were forced to take. One-by-one, they got into combat position, thinking there was still a battle to be won.

But not a single enemy came. Instead, 133 bodied apes stood on a large ship, the only thing there that was not burning. Everything else was ablaze: the waters upon which the ship sailed, the walls… the creatures. Except that the walls were made out of creatures, begging for the torture to end.

The apes stood disoriented, detached from what was happening in front of them. It all felt like a dream — a very, very vivid and painful dream.

The wailing and screaming will not stop, never allowing them a second of silence to gather their thoughts. They could hear every moan and tearless cry, each stab and burn.

This is everlasting punishment, and the apes are being delivered to their own spot of suffering.

Meanwhile, the Shadow Apes, Cave Apes, Forest Apes, and Ground Apes are combing the forest and the mountain looking for their bodied brothers. They could not comprehend how their connection got severed. It was as if the 133 bodied apes suddenly disappeared into thin air. They have been searching for three days, but not a single clue was found.

How could that many apes disappear without a sign?

“Sorcery,” said a Forest Ape.

Being children of the forest, the Forest Apes led the group to the elderly ape who did black magic. The Cave Apes confronted him with their steely spears while the Forest Apes battled with his reinforcements.

Meanwhile, the Shadow Apes and the Ground Apes tried to sense the whereabouts of their bodied brothers. They spread out and eventually found the dug-up ground in which their brothers were buried alive. With their bare hands, they started digging.

In chorus screaming, “Don’t cross the goddamn river just yet!”

But there wasn’t anywhere else to which the ship could turn; there was only forward–towards eternal damnation. And the bodied apes could not have commanded anything or anyone down there. There, they were slaves to the fire and teeth-gnashing torture.

Then, a flaming vulture started to attack the bodied apes. It had extremely sharp talons and an unquenchable appetite. Its only mission is to eat the skin off the apes’ bodies, one peck at a time. Of course, the apes fought back, but more of the vulture’s friends came. So many more.

They were able to defend themselves but they weren’t going to leave unscathed. The vulture bit on the apes’ cheeks and necks, and once, they gouged an ape’s eye with their mighty talons. It was clearly a hopeless attack. In hell, they were all just slaves to suffering.

But they all knew that this is just hell saying hello to them; they haven’t seen anything yet.

It was hard keeping the vulture away, but they managed to pound them into the lake of fire using their spears. While it seemed like they were fighting their way back to life, the ship was still moving.

Soon enough, they will be thrown into their own spot for suffering where they will spend the rest of their days. So, the bodied apes tried to stay alive and ready to fight, even though things seemed hopeless.

At some point, mocking and humiliating voices screamed the worst words to the apes, targeting the strength of their mind. The voices make one follow whatever they tell them to do.

“Slice off your own face.”

“Push your brother off the ship and watch him burn.”

“Accept defeat.”

It took unimaginable strength for the apes to survive it but they did. But the ship was moving forward still. They’re getting closer to the end of the lake of fire. Even though none of them has ever been here, they collectively knew that there will be no turning back once they reach the end of this ride that they are in.

They’re almost there… the place where one wishes they were never born at all. Soon, they will be a part of the wailing walls and the whimpering souls, wishing to be stripped of their own skin and feelings.

It was difficult, but the apes needed to accept their demise. The battle was lost. This is the consequence. Therefore, they must take it. It’s almost the end of the ride for the 133 brave and courageous bodied apes.

Almost there.

Then… silence.

The Shadow Apes and Ground Apes dug out their bodied brothers and laid their lifeless bodies on the ground. Cold and gone. But their death gave birth to something… a larger extension of themselves: the Spirit Apes.

“They’re being eaten by vultures down there,” uttered one of the Spirit Apes.

“We need to do something,” replied a Cave Ape.

“The book of incantation!”

The group gathered around the Forest Apes who were the only ones who could understand the language used in the book.

“We need an incantation to bring back our dead brothers, but it will only ever work if they haven’t gotten off the ship and crossed the lake.”

Together with the Spirit Apes, 665 Warrior Apes spoke the incantation to bring back their brothers. They did not know whether or not they have gotten off the ship and accepted their fate. Still, they kept chanting.

For a moment, the ground grumbled, as if it was getting disturbed. Then, it started shaking violently. A few minutes later, it calmed down. It reminded them of a mother giving birth.

Then, a cry for help was heard from a distance.


Watch out for Season 2.


Forest Apes (Episode 3), Ground Apes (Episode 4), and Hell Apes (Episode 5) will be minted on Friday, 16th September 2022.

To claim your APYC Apes, dm us your ETH wallet on our Official Twitter only: https://twitter.com/APYClub

💡 If you haven’t followed us yet, follow first. If we haven’t followed you back (we only follow back APYC Apes or WASD Apes with the Apy trait), tag/mention @APYClub on Twitter.

As suggested by Caldie after discussions on WASD x APYC, all APYC can only be claimed by ‘We All Survived Death’ Apy holders and not to be sold directly to the public.

💡 WASD Ape holders may keep or sell their APYC Apes. Only when they sell then their APYC journey begins.

⚠️ APYC Apes from Season 1 stay on the deployer account (and will not be sold) until WASD Ape holders claim them.

ALL APYC APES (Shadow, Cave, Forest, Ground, and Hell Apes) will be killed if they remain unclaimed until Sunday, 18th September 2022 at 11:59pm EST.

⚠️ WASD Ape Holders: To claim your APYC Apes, dm us your ETH wallet on our Official Twitter only: https://twitter.com/APYClub


💡 There will be new better art coming out for APYC Season 2. All IP owned and licensed based on our ‘We All Survived Death’ NFT holdings.

⚠️ We would like to reiterate: Unclaimed APYC Apes by the end of Season 1 (Episode 5: Hell) will be killed and APYC OG supply will be less.

Again: ALL APYC APES (Shadow, Cave, Forest, Ground, and Hell Apes) will be killed if they remain unclaimed until Sunday, 18th September 2022 at 11:59pm EST.

