AQER Promotional Sale

1 min readFeb 4, 2019


AQER Promotional Sale

For Brands and Vloggers looking for collaborations between them.

Minimum offer 260 EUR.

20% bonus if at least 50,000 AQER tokens are purchased.

Time frame: Limited Offer from 6th February to 30th March 2019.

Exchange opening listing date: 20th April 20, 2019

How to buy: download the KYC AQER app from the stores (IOS/Android), prove your identity, buy and receive tokens at the end of promotional sale.

Why use AQER?

In this simple Flyer we explain everything! (Link)

Whitepaper (link)




AQER (AI QUOTATION FOR ENTERTAINMENT RIGHTS) offers a smart marketplace where Vloggers and Brands meet and propose organic advertisements.