The Allowlist Rules for the ARB ID Pre-registration Are Out!

SPACE ID .arb Name Service
4 min readJan 13, 2023


The 5 “Episode” campaigns went by like a speeding train, and so does the development of ARB ID. There’s always a new chapter after every season finale, so let’s buckle up because we’re ready to share with you how to be in the allowlist for the ARB ID Pre-registration and more!

Who will be in the allowlist?

We mentioned before that our most active community members always come first in the allowlist, and they will be able to claim the Final Allowlist Badge on Galxe and to join the ARB ID Pre-registration by owning this NFT at the future Allowlist Badge snapshot time.

To be able to mint the Final Allowlist Badge, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:

A) ARB ID Episode campaign participants

  • Users that hold at least 3 out of the 5 Episode NFTs will be eligible to mint one Final Allowlist Badge
  • The 5 Episode NFTs are: Odyssey, AMA, Tweets, Memes, & ENS OG (the ARB ID Pilot NFT is not counted)

B) Partnership Giveaway winners

  • Users who win the allowlist spots from our ongoing and future Partnership Giveaway events can also mint the Final Allowlist Badge

Register for .arb domains in the Pre-registration

If you have met the allowlist criteria, congratulations! You will be eligible to register for at least 2 domains during the ARB ID Pre-registration. However, we have prepared something more:

  • Users who hold 3 out of the 5 Episode NFTs can register for 2 .arb domains in the Pre-registration
  • Holding 5 out of the 5 Episode NFTs will allow you to register for 2 more .arb domains (4 in total)
  • The Galxe Passport holders will be able to register for 1 more .arb domain (i.e. users can register at most 5 domains if they own all of the 5 Episode NFTs and Galxe Passport)

The Final Allowlist Badge minting process

Galxe link:

  • Snapshot time for the Episode NFTs & Galxe Passport holders: January 28th, 9 AM UTC
  • The .arb Domain Allowlist Badges will be a set of tiered badges to reflect the number of domains you can register in the Pre-registration:

Please note that:

  • An address holding multiple sets of Episode NFTs at snapshot won’t be able to mint more than 1 badge (e.g., an address with 2 sets of 3/5 NFTs will still mint only 1 badge)
  • The Final Allowlist Badge is also transferrable, and we’ll take another snapshot before the Pre-registration starts to finalize all the eligible participants
  • Although you might be able to claim more than one Allowlist Badge (e.g. holding 3/5 Episode NFTs and winning the Partnership Giveaway), only one badge will take effect for each address. If an address holds multiple badges, only the one with the highest domain count will take effect (e.g. if one address holds both the 2-domain badge & the 5-domain badge, only the 5-domain badge will take effect for this address)

A glimpse into the Pre-registration

  • .arb Domain Pre-registration will consist of two stages: the auction stage and the first-come-first-serve registration stage, with the goal of making the registration as fair as possible while avoiding bot activities
  • We will have another blog post to cover all the Pre-registration details, including the pricing & more perks

Community give back & reward program

The ARB ID has been a wonderful experience so far and we know this cannot happen without each one of you. To express our gratitude to the early supporters, we are currently designing a program to reward and give back to the beloved community. The details will also be announced very soon.


ARB ID is building the .arb Domain Name Service, a Web3 Domain identifier built on Arbitrum. It aims to revolutionize the decentralized identities in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

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SPACE ID .arb Name Service

arb Name Service is a SPACE ID Name Service. It is a decentralized name system and the go-to solution to replace Arbitrum wallet and contract addresses.