Using technology to make farming easier: The Goho app

4 min readMar 20, 2022


Agriculture plays a crucial role in Zimbabwe’s economy and in the lives of its citizens. In recent years, the number of young people participating in agricultural activities has increased. Admire Moyo, creator of the Goho app, is part of a new generation of young Agri-Entrepeneurs who are changing the agriculture sector with their innovative ideas.

What is the Goho App?

“The Goho app addresses the different issues being faced by farmers by offering different services and information such as: real time prices of farm produce at the marketplace, the best time to plant crops and their seasons, agricultural input suppliers, and a guide to exporting farm produce”. — Admire Moyo

Goho — a Shona word meaning harvest, is a mobile based farming application that provides farmers with vital information needed to grow different types of crops. This information is presented in a simple layout, easy for anyone to understand and is available both online and offline.

The app currently has over 500 downloads from the google play store and provides the services outlined below:

  • Soil , climatic, irrigation and fertilisation requirements for specific crop types
  • Current commodity prices
  • Input suppliers for items such as seed
  • Farming equipment suppliers
  • Crop farming calendar which recommends different times when crops should be planted
  • Links to Farming social media groups e.g., Murimi wanhasi, Zimbabwe Famers Market and Zimbabwe Young Farmers (add Facebook link
  • Export opportunities
  • Government institutions relevant to agriculture
The Goho App Interface

The Inspiration

Growing up in Zimbabwe’s rural areas where smallholder farming is common, Admire witnessed several challenges being faced by farmers and decided to come up with a solution.

“ I observed that some farmers had limited knowledge on agricultural practices which would lead to several issues including — crops being planted at the wrong time of the year and limited access to markets” .

Climate Change is another factor affecting smallholder farmers as they mainly practice rainfed agriculture. The effects of climate change in Zimbabwe have included increasing temperatures and increasing delays or inconsistencies in the onset of rainfall.

“Most famers are suffering from the effects of climate change and its effects. Studies have determined that, as global warming continues to increase, farm productivity and food security will continue to be affected due to these climatical changes.”

“At Goho we are providing solutions on how to lessen the impacts of climate changes on farmers through the use of farming methods such as crop rotation. This will result in improved soil structure, reduced soil erosion, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduced water pollution. We also provide information to help the farmer identify the best crops to plant in different seasons.”

The Importance of Intellectual Property

Goho has been protected through the registration of a trademark, applied for through the African Regional Intellectual Property (ARIPO) e-service platform. In 2021 the number of marks registered with ARIPO increased by 51.7 % , and 45 464 marks are currently registered in its database.

“Young creators need to be aware of IP and its benefits. IP rights are essential as they help protect business from people who might want to steal an idea and may help them engage investors in the long term.”

Registration of a trademark offers several benefits to a new business. It awards the creator the exclusive right to use the marks and the right to sue for infringements if it is used without authorisation.

Admire Moyo

“As World IP Day is approaching, I encourage young innovators to invest in their business by registering their IP rights.”


