Electric vehicles software — challenges of the new age — Part 1

2 min readOct 17, 2019


Topics of this article: automotive engineering, electric vehicle, PHEV, automotive security, engineering services

electric vehicle, automotive engineering

As electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular among consumers, automotive security is getting more attention.

Find out “why”, “what” and “what are the challenges and vulnerabilities” of the automotive industry with the dawn of electric vehicles.

Read an overview of EVs and the growing pace of this industry in the first part of this article.

Change in consumer behavior

Awareness of the urgency of global warming brought about a change in consumer behavior even in the automotive industry. A major change is adopting electric vehicles as the main tool for traveling. This is revolutionizing, not just the whole industry, but also, our society.

However, like anything tech, it faces vulnerabilities of its own nature.

The interest in EVs is growing

Although it is still at the beginning stage, the interest in electric vehicles is not only growing but accelerates. Just in the first half of this year, the global sales of pure EVs increased by 92%.

In 2016 there were more than 2 million plug-in hybrid and pure electric vehicles globally. This number soared to over 5 million in 2018.

The biggest market is China, followed by Europe and then the US. In Europe, Norway is leading the electrical revolution, owning over 6% of the global total.

Even countries like Romania have significantly increased their market share of EVs due to government incentives and cultural awareness. In the first months of this year, the total sales of EVs increased by almost 70% in comparison to the same period of last year, according to the Association of Automobile Manufacturers and Importers.

What is an electric vehicle?

Quite simply, vehicles powered by electricity are called an electric vehicle. Even though internal combustion engines are still dominating the travel industry, vehicles like trains, trolleybuses have been consistently using electricity.

In the automotive industry, there are three main types of electric vehicles, based on how much of its energy source is electricity.

Types of electric vehicles

- BEVs — battery electric vehicles, also known as full electric, that don’t harm the environment with emission

- PHEVs — Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicles, that can be externally and internally recharged. It also emits reduced levels of CO2.

- HEVs — hybrid electrical vehicles, that run on gas and electricity

Stay tuned for the second part of this article to read about risk, security, and vulnerabilities.

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