I see people, living people.

If There’s No Life on Mars, Then What Are These?

3 min readMay 24, 2017


A Call to People of Good Faith to explain my latest hallucinations.

Oh, and look, there’s something written there.

Yes, sure, the Trump saga is highly interesting, but apart from that life goes on and the evidence of Aliens being active on Mars keeps piling up, as are the denials of NASA and scientists associated with the agency. One thing is for sure: Trump has never received any form of intelligence briefing on it, and he’ll never get one. Which is too bad, because the very next day the whole world would finally know that indeed there is life on Mars and Earthlings were lied to for decades. “You know, I get very good intelligence. I get great intelligence, and here’s the proof”, he would say to Vladimir Putin, who would then arrange the whole thing to be published on Wikileaks.

No, I didn’t put that person there. That person IS there, standing in what looks like a trench.

But until then, my findings make me a person that has been “seeing things” for the last three years. Why not? Religions tell us that we all have to suffer from something. Here, then, are my latest hallucinations. Oh, and of course, you can get the same official photo of this area located in the lower part of Mount Sharp by downloading it from this page on NASA’s website. You can also see the video I just uploaded about these findings.

On Mount Sharp, entrances to what are most probably underground settlements are numerous.
But not all underground entrances have what most definitey looks like a camera (incredibly similar to ones used on Earth). This image should in itself be enough to indicate that “something” is going on. Instead, we have people who react by yawning, or else they find as many excuses to deny the truth as there are Republican excuses to stick with Trump.
On the small rock (in blue) of this undergound entrance, we see a “sign” (like the letter “A”).
Another underground entrance. And on top of said entrance, another “sign” in the rock.
Yes, let’s go back to this one for a second.
Yes, let’s go back to this one for a second.
Look! The face!
A coloured take of same.
See below.
Mmm, what could that be? Certainly not a rock, dear NASA.
Either ruins, or some defensive position quickly put together.
Weird, yes, but certainly not the total absence of “signs” as trumpeted by NASA.
Actually, Aliens appear to be occupying large swaths of Mount Sharp. But wait, that can’t be, since I am hallucinating once again.
In the last three years that I have been analysing NASA’s images of Mars, I swear that I saw these guys at least half a dozen times.
Without exception, they all have big eyes, very long necks, a rosy nose, and a face not dissimilar to Spielberg’s E.T.
This apparent statue of a human-looking male was found by the author in one of the trenches visible on a Lower Portion of Mount Sharp. Below is the official image of the area posted by NASA.
The red arrow indicates where the statue can be found.
Male. Apparent military uniform. Note the insignia on his left arm. How much of this evidence must we present to people before they finally accept the truth and stop listening to NASA’s lies?

And so, to all people of good faith, I ask again…

If NASA and scientists have found “no sign of life” on Mars, then what are these?




Former journalist and editor (Montréal & Regina) and former United Nations' editorial staff (New York).