From “The Resistance”

Trump supporters are busy making America great

2 min readMar 7, 2018

Conway violated the law. Trump supporters’ reaction: “So what?” — Hope Hicks resigns. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Traitor!” — Gary Cohn resigns. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Who needs him anyway?” — Kushner’s security clearance is negated. Trump supporters’ reaction: “An American hero attacked by the deep state” — Veteran and long serving senator John McCain displeases Trump. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Kill him!”

Trump is sued by the pornstar he had an affair with right after Melania gave birth. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Bitches!”

Kushner may have used his White House position to get millions of dollars in loans for his business and to blackmail a Middle East allied country that had refused to lend him money. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Who cares?” — The government of Russia may have decided who could and who could not become the American Secretary of State. Trump supporters’ reaction: “That’s perfectly normal!”

Trump is accused of creepy and unwanted sexual behaviour by a dozen women. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Bitches!”

Major players in the Trump campaign stand accused, with some having already pleaded guilty, of fraud and conspiracy against the US. Trump supporters’ reaction: “It’s a witch hunt!” — Don Jr. and other managers of the Trump campaign met with multiple Russian agents, including one meeting at Trump Tower, about which they lied repeatedly. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Nothing to see here!” Trump mocks publicly a disabled person. Trump supporters’ reaction: Loud laughs. Trump shoots someone on New York’s Fifth Avenue. Trump supporters’ reaction: Loud applause!

Trump freely admits to having used his prestige to spy on young girls while they were changing in their dressing area. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Bitches!”

Trump himself may have colluded with Russia, or may have been involved in highly suspect financial transactions, or may have obstructed justice, or may have done all three. Trump supporters’ reaction: “Hillary for prison!”

Yep. Trump supporters are constructing a great country for their kids…




Former journalist and editor (Montréal & Regina) and former United Nations' editorial staff (New York).