Understanding Spark Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) for Performance Optimization

Rishi Arora
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Photo by Jingda Chen on Unsplash

1. Introduction to Spark DAGs

Apache Spark leverages Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to represent the logical execution plan of distributed data processing. The initiation of a Spark session through PySpark is a foundational step, providing a unified interface for interacting with Spark’s vast capabilities. This session serves as a centralized point for coordinating the parallelized execution of tasks across a Spark cluster, allowing for efficient data processing.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("DAGExample").getOrCreate()

This session establishment is crucial as it sets the stage for the subsequent DAG-based computations.

2. Reading Files and DAG Visualization

The understanding of how Spark processes data during file reading is pivotal for optimizing data workflows. The code snippet demonstrates reading a Parquet file and visualizing the corresponding DAG. The DAG visualization provides a comprehensive overview of the sequence of transformations and actions undertaken by Spark during file reading operations.

# Read a Parquet file
df = spark.read.parquet(“path/to/your/parquet/file”)

# Display the DAG

This visualization serves as a powerful tool for users to dissect and optimize the execution plan of their Spark applications.

3. Narrow Operations in DAGs

Narrow operations, encompassing tasks like filtering, column modification, and column selection, are fundamental components of Spark workflows. The provided code example illustrates these narrow operations and demonstrates how the DAG efficiently captures local transformations without necessitating data shuffling between partitions.

# Example of narrow operations
filtered_df = df.filter(df[“column_name”] > 10)

modified_df = filtered_df.withColumn(“new_column”, df[“existing_column”] * 2)
selected_columns_df = modified_df.select(“col1”, “col2”, “new_column”)

Analyzing the DAG for these operations unveils Spark’s optimization strategies for local transformations, enhancing overall performance.

4. Wide Operations and Joins

Wide operations, particularly joins, introduce complexities such as data shuffling between partitions. The provided examples explore both sort merge and broadcast joins, shedding light on how Spark orchestrates these operations within the DAG. Understanding these DAG representations becomes paramount for optimizing performance, especially when dealing with extensive datasets.

# Sort merge join
joined_df = df1.join(df2, “join_column”, “sort_merge”)

# Broadcast join
broadcast_df = df1.join(broadcast(df2), "join_column")

The examination of DAGs for join operations facilitates insights into the underlying mechanisms of efficient data shuffling.

5. Aggregation Operations and DAGs

Aggregation operations, including sum, count, and count distinct, exhibit distinctive DAG structures. The example below illustrates a groupBy operation with aggregation, showcasing how Spark optimizes these processes through DAG representation.

# Aggregation example
agg_df = df.groupBy(“group_column”).agg({“value_column”: “sum”, “count_column”: “countDistinct”})

A detailed inspection of the DAG for aggregation operations unveils the optimizations employed by Spark for computationally intensive tasks.

6. Optimization Strategies in Spark DAGs

Spark employs various optimization strategies to enhance performance. The code snippet exemplifies repartitioning and coalescing as optimization techniques, offering users the ability to manage data distribution across partitions effectively.

# Optimization example
optimized_df = df.repartition(4, “partition_column”).coalesce(2)

Understanding these optimization techniques becomes imperative for users to fine-tune their Spark applications, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization in diverse computing environments.

