The High Table has arrived to The Land of the Free and Decentralized.

5 min readJun 21, 2022


Beyond the face of a thin surface lies a dark vastness, an infinite world.
An escape that captures, enthrals, enraptures. Where hidden desires go to live.
All boundaries broken, the rules, DeFi, this reality exists outside of normalcy.
The possibilities lie, before the naked eye.
All you want in this space, by all means stake or buy.
Breed wealth, and power, dominance is yours.
In the Parabellum Metaverse, we trade dreams for gold and more.
But beware not to cross or else feel the wrath, of a hand heavy with might and of which, perched high. — The High Table…

You have served, you will be of service 🏴‍☠️

Phase 1

This paper and road map are subject to change at any given time. We build for our community.

THE ZABA$: first 4444 character collection

Collection blockchain and logic:

Funds of mint and royalties are going to be used for operational costs and development of the protocol. The NFT treasury will be governed by the DAO. The Alpha holders on Discord will help decide what to acquire for the $ASSN NFT treasury until the DAO is formed.

  • Markets: Opensea
  • Collaborations

Future Utility:

  • Avatar playable character for — P2E game “ASSN City: Parabellum”. You will need one to be able to play the first BETA version of the P2E game.

Utility: Good Boys (90%) and Girls (10%) 1000 origin collection

Future Utility:

  • Avatar playable character for — P2E game “ASSN City: Parabellum”. You will need one to be able to race and earn. You will need one to be able to collect stud fees (royalties) for breeding.

Utility: Good Girls

  • Avatar playable character for — P2E game ASSN City: Parabellum. You will need one to be able to breed and earn. You will need one to be able to breed puppies to collect or sell..

Phase 2

Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Perched on its throne of power
High above the highest men
The High Table dictates strict order
Existing outside the normal rules of men
You seek the face of damnation
To stare it dead in the eye
Should you challenge the table’s jurisdiction?
Should its supremacy you so defy? ”

As many of you know, The High Table specializes
in governance. The High Table (2 elders),
together with our developers and Adjudicators, make sure that
our small part of the world is governed with
order, respect, class and strict discipline.

The Adjudicators are the main agents and
enforcers of The High Table, and have the
authority to adjudge anyone, even the Table
members themselves that dare to challenge The High Table.

“From the bowery and underground and above, to the
syndicates that operate under the supervision of
and abide by the rules of The High Table, all and
everything happens “under” the table. Nothing and
absolutely nobody stands above the table.”

“Do not make the mistake of thinking you exist
outside the rules — no men do.”

Our @infozaba Twitter account has been high-jacked by an rogue info agent!!!

DAO faction formation & The $ZABA token launch

“The High Table dictates life. How can you fight
the wind? How can you cause the mountains to
tumble down? How can you fill in the ocean? How
can you escape the light? Of course, you can go
to the dark. But we are in the dark, too.”

In phase 2 we start with creation and formation of the 13 Zaba factions and DAO’s. We have something very special planned for the Zaba token. We are bringing NFTFi to #ETH.
Phase 1 & 2 are all about building a strong token LP, community and $ASSN family.

Phase 3

ASSN Swap The Obtshak launch including the $ASSN governance and fee settlement token

The Assassin Protocol is a new generation platform combining classic DeFi with NFTs and gaming. The protocol aims to be the next evolutionary step in AMMs with various ways to boost your yield, earn 2x tokens and a new type of bribery scheme building on top of Curve’s successful practice. The ASSN token is a fee settlement token for the The Assassin Protocol platform, The token facilitates additional functions such as rewards for good platform performance.

List of $ASSN token functions:

● Pay for fees and services on the platform via the token

● Yield Farming

● Bribery

● Yield Boost

● Rewards for

○ Governance Stakers

○ Liquidity providers

● Participate in system governance

The portfolio of products will grow steadily. As the development towards the final form of the protocol advances, the ecosystem will also decentralize.

The $ASSN logo is a gnostic and alchemical symbol that expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.

Phase 4:

Introducing Assassin City: Parabellum and in game token $PARAB

[Para bellum is Latin for “prepare for war” and is often used within the context of the phrase Si vis pacem, para bellum, meaning “If you want peace, [you should] prepare for war”.]

And like swords its buildings point to the sky, standing sharply in sight,

The First City…

The home of a life lived only in ones’ dreams. Make it all it can be in,

The First City…

Secret desires breathe through the beaming lights’ gleam In the never before seen,

First City…

A safe haven you say? Made for man’s fancy to accommodate! Live your deepest fantasy in,

The First City…

We are proud to introduce Assassin City: Parabellum — an immersive social P2E game where you can own in-game assets, buy and sell real estate, chat with players, breed and race pets, gamble at the casino, join weekly lotteries, hunt for treasure, explore the NFT museum, stake $ASSN to earn in-game token $PARAB and so much more!

Featuring all of the best elements of a DEX with an engaging play -to-earn experience, Assassin City: Parabellum takes you inside the REAL world of The Assassin Protocol.

Follow us on Twitter and join us on Discord:




Welcome to The A$$N Protocol. Pledge your fealty to The High Table 🏴‍☠️