A R I E S — R I S I N G

19 min readSep 30, 2015


Your Ascendant (Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you. As such, it describes the ways in which we project ourselves out into the environment as well as the kinds of experiences we need to have in order to make life meaningful. The combination of Sun, Moon and Ascendant describe what you want (Sun), what you need (Moon), and the style in which you will go about getting it (Ascendant).

The Ascendant is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one’s environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual’s first, natural reaction to new people and situations.

People with Aries Ascendants are direct and quick. Their first instinct is to do, rather than think.

This position does not make a person aggressive. Forthright, yes, but aggression is too strong a word for these natives. They have a youthful, direct manner that sees what it wants and generally goes for it. At the same time, there isn’t any malice in their intent.

Some Aries rising people are competitive, but they generally put most of the pressure on themselves. These people love to come out ahead in all that they do. They get ready quickly, walk quickly, and have little patience for dilly-dallying. Their temper is quick, too. It’s also quick to disappear. Rarely do you find Aries rising people holding grudges. Their mannerisms are rather simple and straightforward.

Aries rising loves action, and is often trying to stir up some activity. Their strengths lie in their enterprising ways. Finishing things they start does not always come as easily, unless the ruler, Mars, is placed in a more tenacious sign, such as Taurus or Scorpio.

Aries Ascendant often gives a rather swift walk, with the head leaning forward slightly. This walk is surprisingly distinctive. Headaches, and sinus and eye problems are the usual physical complaints of this position. Rashes and acne on the face and shoulders sometimes occur. Broad shoulders and slim hips are common. Often, Aries rising people are quick to smile, and they possess a youthful charm throughout life.

Probably early on in life, Aries rising people got typecast as the “independent” child. As adults, people with Aries Ascendants often stick to that role in life. People don’t run to help them out — they appear quite fine doing things on their own. These people have learned to be self-reliant, and this generally stems from their early experiences.

Despite a rather brusque and independent manner, these natives are usually very willing to compromise in their relationships, and are very attached to the people they hold dear.

A R I E S — R I S I N G

The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one’s environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual’s first, natural reaction to new people and situations.

The characteristics of Aries Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant, planets that aspect the Ascendant, and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. For example, a person with an Aries Ascendant with its ruling planet, Mars, in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person, also with an Aries Ascendant, but whose Mars is in Scorpio. Similarly, a person with an Aries Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will “behave” differently than someone with an Aries Ascendant who does not have that aspect.


The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul’s function and thus a key part of your destiny.

Aries Rising — General

You project yourself into the world spontaneously, directly, honestly, fearlessly, audaciously, heroically. You carry the qualities of boldness, courage, and leadership, and your function is to blaze new pathways, to lead, to initiate and to do.

Aries Rising and Mars in Aries

Your ruling planet, Mars, is also in Aries: You are a fireball of vitality and a true warrior. Become a master of yourself and conquer your own arrogance, impatience, and anger before you go out to conquer the world or burn yourself out.

Aries Rising and Mars in Taurus

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the stabilizing sign of Taurus. You have the concentrated power of a locomotive. You may start slowly but your energy steadily builds, and you can sustain your efforts over the long haul. Putting your creative fire into a concrete form (something tangible, usable, and enduring) is an important key to living out your destiny.

Aries Rising and Mars in Gemini

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in Gemini: Using the power of the word and the intellect rather than the sword is your destiny. You are easily diverted, however, and may have to learn to do many things well, rather than to specialize. Part of living out your destiny has to do with introducing new ideas, methods, or products to others through writing or speaking.

Aries Rising and Mars in Cancer

Your ruling planet, Mars, however, is in the gentle, sensitive, and sympathetic sign of Cancer, so much of your forcefulness is softened by compassion or muted by caution. You are, and are intended to be, a strong defender of home, homeland, family, children, or the feminine. Ties to the past may inhibit you from acting as boldly as you would like, however.

Aries Rising and Mars in Leo

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the fiery, dramatic, rather narcissistic sign of Leo, as well. This increases your competitive drive, your need for recognition, and your will to lead. However, living for personal glory and aggrandizement alone, dominating or considering others to be less real or important than yourself, or simply burning out because you believe yourself to be invincible are definitely indicated. Dreams of power and glory inflame you, but unless you temper them with realism and compassion, you may go down in flames. If you use your passion to work a higher will, however, your life will be charged with light and meaning.

Aries Rising and Mars in Virgo

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the humble, service-oriented sign of Virgo, so you are not only to lead or strike out boldly in new directions, but also to render service to others. You have a strong sense of perfectionism in your work or craft, and a strong work ethic which guides you.

Aries Rising and Mars in Libra

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the social and egalitarian sign of Libra: You must act in accord with others, taking their needs and goals into account, in order to fulfill your own initiatives. Acting decisively and in harmony with your strong ideals of justice and fairness enables you to fulfill your destiny. When out of balance you tend to create adversaries and opponents in your life by your oppositional attitudes, and/or to depend too much on others’ agreement in order to make your own decisions.

Aries Rising and Mars in Scorpio

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in Scorpio: You are passionate, relentless, and powerfully driven to achieve your goals; you have great reserves of energy. A need to be in control and on top motivates you, which has both light and dark aspects. Beware of excessive use or misuse of sexual energies. You will encounter an intense backlash of karmic energy if you damage others. On the higher path you can direct your efforts into extraordinary achievements and/or simply live very intensely and vividly.

Aries Rising and Mars in Sagittarius

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the expansive and inspirational sign of Sagittarius. You need a cause, something larger than yourself and your own immediate concerns, to really feel alive. There is a crusader in you, and this is part of your soul function — inspiring others toward an ideal or generating enthusiasm for a cause. When out of balance you can be preachy and self righteous. A need for open-ended adventure and freedom also motivates you. You need to do a lot of seeking and wide-ranging exploration in order to discover your destiny, so you may be a late bloomer. Your intuition is strong and guides you well.

Aries Rising and Mars in Capricorn

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the realistic, hard working, and practical sign of Capricorn. You possess the self-control and dedication, as well as the ambition, to rise to prominence. Your soul function is to be an authority, Chief Executive, the “Boss”, a position that you will most likely achieve in your middle and later years. In order to fulfill your destiny, however, you must resolve the struggle between the part of you that is impatient, impulsive and wants to be free and wholly independent, and the more conservative side of you that wants to be accepted in conventional circles and knows what it takes to do so.

Aries Rising and Mars in Aquarius

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the unconventional, unorthodox, and innovative sign of Aquarius. This increases your need to be independent and do things in your own individualistic way. You break rules and question authority in order to advance into new territory. Though your personality may be somewhat abrasive and apparently selfish, you are driven by idealistic and altruistic intentions.

Aries Rising and Mars in Pisces

Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the highly sensitive, receptive, gentle sign of Pisces, however. Your emotional vulnerability as well as your compassion and empathy diffuse the forcefulness and selfishness implied above. You may vacillate between clear, decisive action and passivity, between a desire to assert yourself and get what you want versus your essentially non-aggressive and non-competitive nature. Part of your soul function has to do with defending or standing tall for the weak, disadvantaged, or under dogs, and/or acting for the good of all, with broad sympathies, rather than simply for your own good.

A Spiritual Interpretation of Aries Rising

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It expresses the will to power, but its primary expression is the activation of potential — the power to manifest in the physical world.

You are expressing the power to create on the material plane, but you are also capable of expression on the intuitive level. You understand the capacity of intuition to illuminate your life and the lives of others.

During your life you will find yourself going through cycles of intuitive insight and more practical application. All intuition without practical effort carries little impact, so you have to develop a compassionate style for delivering your psychic messages. With Mars as ruler, Aries is not known for its compassion, so you have an interesting task. Qualities you can easily demonstrate are your endless enthusiasm for life, quick wit, and your spontaneous responses. Practice being enthusiastic about the path of other beings. Inject humor into difficult situations to ease their path. And don’t withhold your true response to their sadness and pain. If you are impatient, be impatient to see them reach the next level of creativity. If you are foolish, be foolish with your willingness to help. If you are jealous, show it as protectiveness of their tender hearts.

As you practice the strengths of your rising sign, you will find that what began as a lively, expressive personality is developing into your soul expression. For Aries the shift is from “I am” toward “I aspire to become.” You aspire to become a container for intuitive truths that you can act upon for yourself, and also share with others. You know, deep within yourself, that intellect functions best when it is paired with intuition. As you open yourself to the world of intuition, your sensitivity deepens. You become an active participant in the creative process as you re-orient toward the inner voice.

As you activate the purifying process of fire in your life, you may find that your physical health is affected. Wholeness and wellness are significant factors in your spiritual quest. The head, and especially the eyes, become the focus of your intuition and expression. When spiritual energy first arises, you may experience headaches and your eyes may tire easily. You may benefit from meditative practice in which you visualize energy moving up your spine and out the top of your head. See it flow around you like a fountain, to be pulled up your spine again. In this meditation use the energy within you to move through any pain in your eyes or head, and you can also use it to connect with the immediate environment.”


You are a doer and thrive on freedom, challenge, and activity.

“You meet life head on and throw yourself into new experiences with zest and enthusiasm. You are direct, straightforward, assertive, and usually completely aboveboard in all your dealings. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity or phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others. You often lack tact and sensitivity, and can be completely oblivious to others’ needs, and inadvertently selfish. You are self-reliant and don’t depend upon social approval and reinforcement as much as other people do. You like to be original and do not mind going it alone. You may feel that you do not fit into groups very well, and that you do not naturally blend in and cooperate with others very easily. You like to be either a leader or a loner.

You tend to think in clear, black and white terms, and to be somewhat simplistic in your outlook, which enables you to act in a very decisive and self-assured manner. When inspired with an idea, you feel such a sense of urgency and excitement about it that you will often charge ahead and try to implement it in a rather bold but poorly planned and crudely executed way. Patience and careful attention to details are not your forte. However, you never accept defeat and will have brilliant and unprecedented successes and discoveries, as well as painful failures. To you it is far better to make mistakes than it is to play it safe and never try.

You are scornful of what you see as weakness or passivity in others and also of the human tendency to imitate and follow. You are not a follower. Others see you as a strong individual, and perhaps brash and brazen as well. You present a strong front to the world and generally do not allow others to see your vulnerable or insecure side.”

Famous People with Aries Rising:

Joan Baez (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Sagittarius)
Corbin Bernsen (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Capricorn)
Johannes Brahms (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Cancer)
Lloyd Bridges (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Capricorn)
Ray Davies (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Leo)
Sandra Dee (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Gemini)
Bo Derek (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Pisces)
Sandy Duncan (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Cancer)
Billy Graham (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Sagittarius)
Barbara Hershey (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Virgo)
Judd Hirsch (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Libra)
Lena Horne (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Gemini)
Ron Howard (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Sagittarius)
Barbara Hutton (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Scorpio)
Lee Iacocca (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Aquarius)
Nancy Kerrigan (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Capricorn)
Michele Lee (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Leo)
Heather Locklear (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Libra)
Chuck Mangione (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Scorpio)
Bette Midler (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Leo)
Pete Rose (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Aquarius)
Susan Saint James (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Libra)
David Spade (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Gemini)
Barbra Streisand (Aries Ascendant, Mars in Gemini)

SOURCE: http://www.cafeastrology.com/aries_ascendantrisingsign.html


Aries Rising is quick and to the point…

They act before they think, charging into the fray without a plan. While they are active, they are not aggressive. They just see what they want and go get it. While some may be competitive, most are putting all the pressure to get what they want on themselves. Everything is done quickly.

Those born with an Aries Ascendant are quick to anger and quick to let it pass. They don’t hold grudges as a rule… they prefer to be straightforward and direct. They can’t stand to sit still. They prefer to be active, and will not hesitate to stir something up to keep things interesting. They may have difficulty finishing their projects, because they would rather jump to something new.

Certain physical qualities are associated with Aries Rising. They may exhibit a swift walk, leaning forward with their head. They may be plagued by sinus and eye problems, and headaches, especially migraines, may be the bane of their existence. Some are plagued with rashes, insect bites and acne. Their complexion may be a bit ruddy… even if it isn’t, they tend to blush easily or their face may turn red when angry. This Sign may show itself in broad shoulders and slim hips. These people are always quick to smile, and they retain youthfulness throughout their entire lives.

Children, with an Aries Ascendant, are known for being independent and often quite self-reliant. As adults, they remain the same. They are honest and fearless. Their courage and leadership is often called upon in challenging situations. They come across at times as impatient and rude. If this first impression is all people get from Aries Rising, they will be missing out, since a person’s Rising Sign is only an outward mask. If they get even a slight glimpse into the deeper self, they will see an indomitable spirit, boundless courage and the willingness to fight for a cause this person believes in.

Passionate, Aries Rising will chase whomever they are interested in at the moment in affairs of the heart. The chase is part of the excitement. They can be charming and hard to resist. They are enthusiastic and adventurous, if a little bit overwhelming for some people.

The Aries Ascendant is oriented on success. They are ambitious and can be single-minded towards their own achievements to the point of selfishness at times. This usually stems from the fact they are so focused on their own goals that they forget that others may be involved or affected. They have a strong need to accomplish their goals, no matter how foolish, dangerous or far-reaching they may seem.

Aries Rising is enthusiastic and full of energy. When they get motivated, get out of their way! It is easy for them to get carried away and overestimate their own abilities. They may suffer from overwork. They tend to be informal and easy going. Sports and other competitions really appeal to this Ascendant. They are popular socially and usually in the center of all the action.

SOURCE: http://www.alwaysastrology.com/aries-rising.html


With Aries rising, there is a strong need to approach life in a straight forward and direct manner. In this sense, qualities of courage, strength and self assertion need to be developed in order to meet the challenges that life will present.

To live the full potential of this Ascendant, one needs become decisive, and take action. How able you feel to go out and do this will depend upon other factors in the chart. It is highly likely that you will experience some difficulties earlier in life, either overshooting the mark by being too vigourous in your approach, or feeling afraid to go it alone. This will ease in time, as you gain greater awareness around using what is basically a very primal, powerful and assertive energy.

The task for an Aries rising individual is to find the creative potency within, so that the self as an initiator can be developed and explored. In this sense, the Aries rising individual needs to experience themselves as a potent catalytic force in whatever environment they are found. Accordingly, you may continually experience the need to rise up and confront challenges, to act as an initiator, or catalyst, in order to get things started, or keep them moving along. There are strong tendencies to be on one’s own, and to become very self-sufficient. According to Howard Sasportas, “Life is best viewed as an adventure, quest and challenge” when this sign is rising.

Self-reliance is learnt early in childhood, as there may be a portion that is spent alone, or away from the family structure. Feelings of strangeness and dislocation from parents may be present, yet this kind of experience is needed in order to generate the independent, courageous qualities mentioned above. Often, there are difficulties with parents, especially the parent of the same sex, as this sign encourages one to seek to assert one’s independence and right to stand alone. Aries rising children are often noisy, rambunctious and enthusiastic. This may be at odds with the rest of the family structure, and present some problems. This again serves to force the individual to stand alone.

Yet, despite these challenges, cheerfulness, naturalness and sociability are also qualities usually present with Aries rising. This Ascendant brings the ability to project a warm, enthusiastic, adventurous and fun-loving optimism into the environment that is almost always welcome. Aries rising individuals are likely to be capable and energetic folk, with strong family values, and a need for structure and discipline in life. In family matters, these individuals are inclined toward self-sacrifice, as they are often willing to undergo hardship and sacrifice for the sake of the family. Initially, you may be argumentative and debate oriented, for this is a fiery sign, with strong mental energies that love to butt heads with others and push the envelope. Eventually, the challenge for you will be to learn how to incorporate Libran qualities (Aries polar opposite) of diplomacy and consideration for others to enhance your ability to realize your ambitions. Again, how easily this develops will depend greatly upon the rest of the chart.

Aries is a very physical and dynamic energy. You should think about how you are expressing the quality of dynamism in your life. It is important to recognize the need to expend a good deal of physical energy when you have Aries rising. Exercise and activities often help to keep the nervous system from becoming overwhelmed. Inactivity can often lead to moodiness and emotional overwhelm as your innate need to expend energy has nowhere to go.

SOURCE: http://www.starslikeyou.com.au/your-ascendant-is-aries/


Aries rising is a very substantial rising sign. You like to be the leader even if you are leading just one person.

You’re a thinker and doer not a watcher. You like to be seen. You are friendly, sociable, vivacious, caring and magnanimous. When you are excited about something other people get excited. You tell the truth and you don’t play games. To some people you can seem aggressive, egotistic and harsh, even if it’s not your intention. Still, you appeal to other sociable people. If you were born under Aries rising, life to you is a rat race, a battle to the finish; winning in life becomes a familiar feeling, as you grow older. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you probably feel that you can’t ever come in second place; it’s first or nothing. Along the way, you are sure to learn a lot about being a humble winner and a sore loser. One of your main lessons will be two sides of the same coin. Don’t argue with your opponent, or the person in charge won’t help you. When you lose don’t be so ugly about it, learn from it and move on to the next contest, don’t forget to congratulate your competition.

Reward yourself when you do win, take the time to revel in it before the next contest. Your first big achievement will be something you think of often. You will be the winner in many instances in your life.

Since Aries is the start of the zodiac, your sign is the sign of commencements. No matter what it has to do with, at the start you are at your best. You are exuberant, full of vitality and vigor. However, once you feel you’ve conquered whatever you have started, you move on.As an Aries rising sign, you can get bored with something fast and hop to something else that has excited you away. You are prone to the shiny ball syndrome. You may be a pioneer, but if your groove gets stuck in a rut, you will drop the ball that has lost its shine and pick up a new one.

As an Aries rising, if you hate something boy do you hate it; if you like it, you love it. You will come across people that misunderstand who you are and think you mischievous. You are not like that at all; you try to explain to them that what’s going on is; you would rather go straight into fixing whatever is wrong. You try to tell them that you are trying to do what you think is best. You see an obstruction you go at it and try to knock it down, your not afraid of obstacles. However, you will sooner move around whatever is in your way than beat your head against a wall.

You have distaste for manipulators and liars, fakes, shams, or deceptions. You prefer to lay it on the line and let the chips fall where they may. As an Aries rising you like things to happen quickly, to your frustration you will find yourself waiting… a lot for other people. So, you do what anything any self-respecting Aries would do; you go on without them and you lose your back up. Learn some patience or at least practice it. One point that has to do with the looks department; physical characteristics are impacted by any First House Planets or Mars’ placement.

Aries rising people will have some, most or all these attributes. A grin that’s contagious.You may have a penetrating gaze with eyes that dash here and there and notice everything. Golden or red hair tones or skin undertones. You may have a powerful and sinewy physical structure that moves quickly. Participating in anything athletic is a great way for you to have fun and release stress.

As an Aries you are impetuous and your love of all things speedy causes you to rush in headfirst. You don’t look before you leap; you aren’t very cautious. therefore, You are inclined to stumble, run into things and fall.

The planet Venus and the zodiac sign in whatever house will give you more of a clue to what happens in your love affairs, romances and flings. Mars is your ruling planet and so it is very strong in your chart, it adds self-control, endurance, and a high sex drive. Mars also makes it so you demand accomplishment and acknowledgment. Mars also makes you prone to mental strain, stress, struggles, stinginess and irritability. You should also watch out for accidents with knives, scissors and fire, all in the kitchen, perhaps?

— Look to the status of Mars in your chart by zodiac sign and in what house, it’s important, it will show you the best ways to handle life.

SOURCE: http://www.lunarinsight.com/id77.html

