Preserving Your “Buying Power” in the Crypto World

Asteroid, Ltd.
3 min readNov 18, 2017


The Asteroid Innovation Team

Asteroid, ltd. is in the pre-sale stage of an ICO. As such, it became apparent that market fluctuations are affecting the direct cost to each of our crowdfunding participants. This is being created by the movement of the market and the variability.

In any currency, “Buying Power” is equated on a daily basis… So, as an example, if the USD $ is up and you have USD $, then YOU get the advantage of the upside; hence, the “Buying Power” of a currency is based on its present daily value.

But here is the rub, in the ICO Crypto world the present situation often gives the “Buying Power” to the ICO Offeror. This is clearly an issue. Any ICO has a present value, often based on projected revenue and cash flow models. This is standard, and this does not fluctuate until the ICO is “floated” to the market. Because the ICO market is nascent and in many ways immature and moving very, very quickly people who are participating are losing much of the upside that their Cryptocurrency has gained when they become an ICO Contributor in the present system.

The A-Team, our innovative experts, after much discussion and development, have devised a structure to solve this issue. We are presenting the first ICO that takes into account the value of the buying currency, such as ETH or BTC when a person chooses to participate.

Each day the ASTRCOIN® Portal will calculate the VALUE of both ETH and BTC and give the new calculated amount of ASTRCOINS® you will receive as the ICO Contributor.

Many ICO’s are taking YOUR upside for themselves. This is caused by the wide swings in valuation, for example, let’s look at BTC in the last month, it would have been better for an ICO Contributor to wait for BTC to go down to a lower amount, and then purchase the FIXED amount in the ICO, which would make each new ICO purchase cost less.

This simply doesn’t make any sense in any currency transaction. Frankly, our team noticed this as we purchased advertising on Crypto sites, they require, let’s say 1 BTC to purchase an ad on their site, but one day that cost may be as little as US $5500 and in the next couple of days US $7800, for the same ad… with the same distribution. By putting ourselves in the shoes of the ICO Contributor, we saw the same issue affecting them.

Protecting Your Value

Asteroid, Ltd. wants to protect your value. We know what the numbers tell us our Market Cap should be, based on our projections. In our case, that is presently US $300,000,000. This number will not move whilst the ICO is ongoing. Once the ICO is complete, market forces and both potential and realized revenue will govern the continued value. Our CPA’s discussed the value of our offering way back in May of 2017 as we were preparing for the ICO Launch. Back then, ETH was US $90 and BTC was US $1800 and we formulated our investment models based on these numbers. But today, ETH is US $328 and BTC is US $7800, incredible increases, but that increase should be YOURS and NOT ours.

Many ICO’s Offerors are taking that increase for themselves, but this seems a bit unfair to the ICO Contributor. As the ICO Crypto Market matures this anomaly will settle, as many of the other issues are being settled by the many brilliant minds in truly innovative ways.

There is little doubt that Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain will change the world about us forever, but some minor tweaks here and there will make for a more consistent and sustainable ecosystem from which we may all profit.

We are delighted to be a part of this game changer as we Democratize Space, “One BlockClaim® at a Time”.

Check out our portal at and see how we are giving the “Buying Power” back to you.

When you succeed we succeed and in that sense, are destinies are intertwined.

Join us in our quest!

