The Value of a Blockclaim®

Asteroid, Ltd.
4 min readJan 20, 2018


Some say that blockchain technology and the concept of a decentralized immutable ledger is built on a system of networks providing a constantly available examination of information, history and a complete cryptologically secure audit trail. Blockchain is revolutionizing transactional record keeping.

Asteroid Ltd.’s BlockClaim® system will provide a trustworthy and historical longevity record utilizing blockchain technology.

So lets delve into some of the “geek speak” to understand the logic behind our system. The scope of our endeavor to create a significant claims registry. The system, being created, envisions elements of unpermissioned and permissioned nodes. The community at large is debating the benefits and associated challenges that each system present.

Theoretically, unpermissioned system topology (decentralized) fails in the speed at which any given transaction can be validated. Hence, often financial systems require immediate execution of transactions. As such, third party reliance can sometimes be a bottleneck to immediate buy/sell orders or purchases when time is of the essence.

The trade off, of course, is time vs security. As computing becomes more and more powerful and less expensive it is unknown as to how this particular approach may work itself out.

Given these constraints, the BlockClaim® registry will initially be launched in an unpermissioned modality. This provides the most secure and open forum. Registry times of a few minutes can be tolerated and this will provide the participant to the most “open” environment and eliminate the particular issues surrounding (centralized) permissioned ownership and control.

Each BlockClaim® will be stored and communicated through the network having a significant level of trustworthiness and most importantly historical longevity. Every participant in the network will receive simultaneous access to the information.

Presently, there are blockchain based pilots in Sweden and the republic of Georgia demonstrating property registries using a distributed ledger. These pilots are aimed to show the effectiveness of the blockchain at land ownership record keeping.

If one does a brief study of why claiming rights are so important, you’ll find that undergirding any successful economy or currency is the concept of accurate records of the “claim” each person or company may have upon property, whether it be real or intangible.

More often, than not, struggling economies do not have a significant registrar or system to keep track of ownership. In ancient times, stones were used to indicate boundaries, today, it is plotted with GPS co-ordinates or survey maps, patents are kept in centralized databases and media is somewhat protected by an array of digital keys. Each system relies on a central data-set to ensure validity of the individual claim.

Simply put, a “claim” is made and registered with a time stamp and pertinent information. Where there is no claim an individual may make a claim. This is, of course, even applied to intangibles, such as a website addresses like “”, or a patent or a music score or a simple poem or publication. The more accurate the record the greater the possibility of validating the claim and accruing the associative benefit of the claim.

So here we are, in the 21st century, with the stars in our future. How shall we make our claim? For as children we oft thought of going to them. We pondered the vastness of the heavens and wondered. We wished upon them and named them. We told them our secrets and considered their existence.

Now it is time to claim them as our own. To make our voice heard and to realize the vast wealth, the abundance and the possibility they create for us all.

So is it time to dream again?

There is a confluence of technology that can bring us this abundance. But we must and can be part of this new adventure, as the pages of history turn, and we, each of us become a part of it.

Hidden in this tech is the real possibility of a new paradigm, a new and fresh alternative that each of us can be a part of, from the smallest child to the oldest grandparent. From the poorest among us to the wealthiest aristocrat, each with a new dream to be part of the vastness and wonderful abundance within our near celestial orbit.

Wish upon these stars then and make them ours.

We have this within our grasp. A clear and consistent voice will make it so. As the Industrial Age left us several decades ago for the Information Age we now must enter in the Value Age; where each one of us become more of what we are meant to be. Not just human doings, a cog in the giant machine, but rather human beings.

Just as the child brings us the possibility of what they may become, we must also reach to space together in concert and make our claim.

Some may say this is pablum for the dreamers; but then is it not the dreamers among us that give us hope? Is it not the dreamers among us that provide the platform for society as a whole becomes more? Is it not he dreamer that makes us who we are and will be?

These simple technological tools may make it possible for the abundance of this final frontier to become ours.

Can a simple Blockclaim® make such a difference?

Maybe… just maybe…

