Inspire, Create, Deliver, Promote. LADY GAGA

1 min readJun 11, 2015

AT DLP has four key mission words, “Inspire” “Create” “Deliver” “Promote”

This story about Lady Gaga is a very suitable first article on Medium.

Inspired from the past, created, delivered, promoted and the rest is real history to inspire another generation.

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta withdrew from college when she was 19. She lived in the cheapest apartment she could find and ate the cheapest food she could buy. Her music originally was piano with RnB vocals, but never caught on.

Frustrated with her lack of success, Stefani dyed her hair blonde and changed her name to Lady Gaga, inspired by the Queen’s song “Radio Gaga”. She also began changing her style and experimenting with electropop.

Lady Gaga finally caught her break when a record executive at Interscope Records received her electropop music, and signed her immediately.

Thus, do adapt if it takes to make it. You may need to change your appearance, change your way, or change your style, but keep making and pursuing your dreams.

Hope you enjoy.


