ATMChain Testnet Release

2 min readMar 13, 2018


Today, we roll out our first version of testnet which consists of full stack protocol, an network manager, an explorer and a set of smart contract extension APIs. This testnet will be used for large scale DApp verification publicly prior to our later main net launch.

In the protocol layer, we reuse the account model, virtual machine and web3 api from ethereum project and add the PoA consensus engine; in the management layer, we build the O&M tool to facilitate the network operation and the voting panel to dynamically adjust the miner group.

Global Network O&M
Miner Group Voting Panel

For most users, the explorer will be the only visual access to the blockchain database. Additionally, a user could issue his/her digital asset after filling a couple of vital parameters and clicking the ‘OK’ button.

One-Click Digital Asset Issuance

Finally, the smart contract API will ease the DApp development for contract writers. The developers’ effort will be more focused on the business logic rather than the low level protocol interaction, thus more efficient.

To clear up, this version is not final and misses some core features planned in the main net, such as incentive model, decentralized storage and inter blockchain communication.

Please visit the explorer page to find out more:

All source code is open here:

Smart contract API:

