Pokemine Tutorial: Attention Mining

2 min readSep 29, 2018


The main idea of Pokemine is to enable everyone to mine cryptocurrencies in a convenient way. There are several mining approaches, such as hash enumeration(Bitcoin), voting, composing and commenting according to the consensus algorithms or incentive mechanisms in the blockchain. Here with ATMChain, we introduce the idea of attention mining.

Attention is the required resource in advertisement industry. An advertiser is willing to pay for the attention from his customers, because that connects the producer and consumer therefore brings the value in return.

Compared with the common advertisement, Pokemine is an DApp that could be installed in your smart phone. You can take it with you anywhere and open it anytime, while the billboards or LCD screens in the public places will not be seen if you don’t pass by.

Now you may try to earn ATMChain tokens by spending 1 minute on our advertisement.

1. Download DApp from our website: https://atmchain.io by clicking “DApp” on the top right.

2. Open Pokemine and get yourself some ATM tokens after your wallet is created. At this moment, ATMChain only enable non-zero balance account to interact with the smart contract. You may contact our official channel(telegram or twitter) for sending back some tokens. If you have questions about creating your wallet, please refer to our previous guide: Pokemine Tutorial: Create Your Wallet.

3. Open “Find” tab in the Pokemine where all ATMChain DApps live. Now you may see a jumping treasure box. By default, the box is closed, because you have not mined the treasure inside. If you click the box, a piece of advertisement will be displayed. Just watch it till the last second.

4. Once the playing is finished, the DApp will prompt you to provide password to claim reward tokens to your account. Just fill in the right information, you will see the tokens mined.

Note that now the box is open. If you repeat the steps above, you will not get paid twice until new treasure is placed.

Have fun with the sample video and stay tuned! We will forecast the new advertisement and its rewarding plan in our official channel.

