Assessing Cloud Based Infrastructure Risk Exposure

Event Driven Investing
1 min readOct 25, 2018


The proliferation of cloud based infrastructure presents a host of risk exposures to an enterprise, no matter the size of the enterprise. The primary risks are internal and external: operational, strategic, environmental, financial and legal. The bottom line is that failure to identify, analyze, control, and proactively administer a cloud-based technology risk program could result in significant financial loss to the enterprise.

The good news is that one doesn’t have to be an expert in any of the various cloud technology disciplines to assess the risks faced on a high level. What is important is understanding your business model and what you want to accomplish with the cloud-based infrastructure model employed. In addition to using cloud technology as a means of growing the business or reducing business expenses, there are also ways to deploy cloud technology disciplines as a risk mitigation measure for more traditional technology platform models.

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