CASE STUDY | The deployment of GBMS Tech Ltd Trident Technology.

Event Driven Investing
3 min readNov 30, 2018


Case Study 1

Federal Defense Contractor

Number of Employees: 40

Service Performed: Insider Threat Detection

Outcome: GBMS Tech deployment team performed an exhaustive investigation into the operations and employees at a medium-sized federal cybersecurity contractor. Our threat operations team was able to identify a number of breaches.

What GBMS discovered:

Key employee (Co-owner) embezzling cash disguised as payroll bonuses.

Recruitment staff downloading entire resume databases before resigning and taking positions at new companies.

Collusion amongst key employee and CFO against majority owner of the company.

Due to the efforts of GBMS Tech deployment team the majority owner of the company was able to prosecute recruiter for theft of IP, and lower a buyout for a key employee from $3.5 million dollars to $1.5 million dollars.

Case Study 2

Health Care System

Number of Employees: 500

Service Performed: Vulnerability Scan and Assessment

Outcome: GBMS Tech deployment team performed a vulnerability scan and assessment on a large healthcare organisation. Our scan allowed the organisation to put together a follow-up plan to establish better security protocols and shutdown machines that were not in use or due to be replaced.

What GBMS discovered:

Multiple open ports and vulnerable systems.

12 forgotten Windows 2003 servers that were still sitting on the network.

Many Windows XP machines that had been replaced with newer machines, but were still powered on with full network connectivity.

Identified key areas of IT infrastructure that had not been upgraded, patched or secured.

Case Study 3

Hospitality Client

Number of Employees: 700

Service Performed: Insider Threat Detection

Outcome: GBMS Tech deployment team performed an exhaustive investigation into the operations and employees at a large hospitality client in the MD area. Due to the efforts of GBMS Tech deployment team the company was able to prosecute employees for breach of contract and theft of company information. Phalanx Secure Solutions employees worked with legal counsel for the client to prepare cases for court.

What GBMS discovered:

Employees hiding or masking e-mail addresses in order to send the company IP back to personal Gmail accounts.

Employees downloading or printing entire customer spending patterns and lists without permission.

Employees stealing customer contact lists via e-mail and Dropbox.

Case Study 4

E-Commerce Site

Number of Employees: 12

Service Performed: Penetration Testing

Outcome: GBMS Tech deployment team performed a penetration test against a client’s e-commerce site and Amazon AWS infrastructure. Our client had assured us that he had been getting penetration tests for years and that we would find his system top notch. The GBMS Tech deployment team was able to find a number of vulnerabilities many of which were the high priority.

What GBMS discovered:

Several high priority vulnerabilities within the first two hours of testing. Overall the penetration test team found over 50 vulnerabilities of which 10 were a high priority and had to be fixed.

Case Study 5

Managed Service Provider

Number of Employees: 12

Service Performed: Monthly Monitoring

Outcome: GBMS Tech deployment was contracted to perform monthly monitoring for a Managed Service Provider in their data center. Our Trident Network Protection system was installed in the data center and is monitored 24/7/365. Our team monitors all traffic in and out of the network, as well as machine activity. GBMS Tech deployment has so far been able to identify:

What GBMS discovered:


firewall login attempts.

Command and control activity.

Key file changes on systems.

With our 24/7/365 monitoring, GBMS Tech deployment team can alert the MSP quickly to any vulnerabilities or incidents that are occurring. In conjunction with the MSP, fixes are either performed by GBMS Tech deployment or the MSP.


