How to setup Shadowsocks Client on CentOS

Arash Arbabi
1 min readDec 3, 2018


First you’ll need two things:



Installing Python-pip

Enable EREPL:

sudo yum install epel-release

Install pip:

yum -y install python-pip

Installing Libsodium

yum -y install libsodium

Now we are ready to install shadowsocks itself.

Installing ShadowSocks

In order to get the latest version we will be using the master release on GitHub

pip install -U

Now you’ll need to make your config file:

nano /etc/shadowsocks.json

Inside the file type the following JSON and edit as desired:


Start the ShadowSocks Client Daemon

sudo sslocal -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start

Make sure everything is working so far:

curl — socks5-hostname

If the proxy is working you’ll get the following response:

"YourF***IPAddress": "Server-IP-that-You-used-in-config",
"YourF***Location": "Country",
"YourF***Hostname": "HostnameHere",
"YourF***ISP": "Server ISP Name",
"YourF***TorExit": "false",
"YourF****CountryCode": "CountryCode"

Now you can set your current Terminal session to proxy everything through ShadowSocks:

export http_proxy=socks5://

export https_proxy=socks5://


