Unwinding the Jobs Tied to Conflict

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
7 min readMay 12, 2018


“man standing near burning vehicle during daytime” by Andrés Gerlotti on Unsplash

Despite clear evidence that America’s global military deployments are sapping the nation’s resources, unwinding the massive investment in war machinery will not be easy. Unfortunately, military deployments are good for many businesses that make profits off weapons and logistics. Those businesses now dominate the American business landscape.

To not spend on these deployments risks jobs is not a common talking point in support of these military actions, but it is implicitly understood. The patriotic libertarian and the patriotic socialist agree that jobs for war is not an ethical position. Nonetheless, jobs are at great risk were there a curtailment of America’s foreign entanglements. Libertarian-Socialists must understand this truth, if they are to reach their fellow Americans and change minds.

Many Americans are employed directly or tangentially in the defense industry. Sadly, the loss of one’s job is far more important to most Americans than the cost of any civilian casualty in a far -off war they are told is necessary. On the surface, the debate will always appear to be about national security, but unconsciously too many Americans know their job requires the building of more war birds, air craft carriers etc.

It is on the financial front that curtailing the conflict economy will happen, voluntarily or involuntarily. History is…

