1 min readSep 12, 2015


Everything Vibrates with Certain Beats per amount of Time

The Whole Universe has it’s Own Pulse at certain Vibratory level

Nature it Self can Exist only within this Melody of The Cosmos

Living Beings..which includes US..Humans… are Coming OUT of NATURE..

within CONDITIONED Existence as such. Individual can “challenge” Those Conditions or even Deny them as “nonexistent”. NO One can but Avoid The Consequences of Avoiding REALITY of Nature We Live in

Those “nonexistent” Conditions We call UNIVERSAL LAWS GOVERNS but The Reality We Can See on This Planet.

Hitlers Idea to get Rid of Those “in Charge” Manifested Trough His INSANITY which Gave them (Zionist) new tools and more power than they have had Before. Their Insanity Brought Them to The Very Mind State they ended with.
Time has but come when their Game is Collapsing..

..in Order to Speed up The Process Needed for The Whole Humanity to Get BACK to The Right WAY..We need to Identify REAL CAUSES and Eliminate Them with ACTIONS

Based on Intelligent Approach within THE COMMON SENSE

