AXIA 101: AXIA Global Ambassador Program

Published in
7 min readJun 17, 2022


The AXIA team has heard requests for an ambassador program and the development of international AXIA communities for some time. With the launch of the upgraded AXIA Network, AXclusive NFT Platform, AXpay for Business, AXIA Tel Encrypted Smartphone and many other exciting developments on the horizon, the time has finally come for the project to unveil the AXIA Ambassador Program!

The AXIA Ambassador Program will enable AXIANs worldwide to apply for funding to build their own local AXIA communities, host IRL and/or virtual events or hackathons, or pursue other initiatives that will help continue to foster the development of the AXIA community globally.

AXIA already has an incredibly vibrant community of supportive, positive and passionate blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts around the world. All you need to do is spend a few hours in the AXIA Discord and you’re likely to meet project participants from everywhere from Australia and South Africa to Canada or South Korea— and many places in between!

While most of the community building to-date has taken place across social media, today’s announcement is an exciting step in the transitioning of AXIA from a purely digital entity to a blockchain project that can truly bridge the digital and physical worlds. Meanwhile, on the development side, platforms like AXpay for Business and the AXIA debit card program are already helping AXIA establish greater levels of real-world utility than other projects in the space. Now, the establishment of AXIA as a blockchain project that has a real, significant pulse in the real world can be expanded on the community side through the AXIA Ambassador Program. For more details on how the program will work, please read on.

AXIA Global Ambassador Program: The basics

While ambassador programs for Web2 brands are often rigid and wind up being more stressful than fulfilling, AXIA is going to be doing things a bit differently. Would-be ambassadors will have free rein to come up with creative ideas and seek funding from AXIA to execute their visions via the AXIA Application Portal that will be going live this month. The application portal will also provide the means for other individuals to apply to become an AXIA contributor as a developer, community moderator or project partner, though those opportunities will not be covered in today’s blog.

Through the AXIA Application Portal, anybody wishing to become an ambassador for the project just needs to fill out a simple online application that highlights their vision. When it comes to the application process, just as in life, you will ultimately get back what you put into it. There will be a series of basic housekeeping questions but there will also be the option to upload any materials that help supplement your application. This is the opportunity to put together something creative or substantial to support your application such as a strategy deck, mood board, original video content, or anything else that will show your passion and ultimately help to validate how serious you are about becoming a long-term ambassador and partner to the project. And just to be clear, that’s what AXIA is looking for through this program: long-term partners. Far too often projects and brands develop ambassador programs only to elicit some initial excitement that fizzles out very quickly. That’s not the goal here, as AXIA is looking to do the same thing with the ambassador program as it is with the project as a whole: build something that delivers fundamental and sustainable value that stands the test of time.

The team will be reviewing applications regularly and evaluating them based on a series of criteria, including:

Positive impact — Will the activities/programs you’re proposing create a positive impact in your community, and can they have a positive impact on the AXIA community as a whole?

Tangible impact — Will the activities/programs you’re proposing really move the needle? Will they be well attended? Will they be pivotal in helping educate attendees on the value that the AXIA Project can deliver to all participants? What is the real value this initiative will bring?

Become a long-partner to AXIA and help grow the project’s community around the world!

Content creation — Will the activities/programs you’re proposing help to produce some quality photo/video content that AXIA can repurpose for its global social channels to share with the community? This is all about authenticity > perfection. AXIA would love to work with its ambassadors to show that the AXIA community is made up of different people from all walks of life, and that it loves to have fun!

Development — Will the activities/programs you are proposing help foster development on the AXIA Network? Any initiatives that bring talented and enthusiastic developers into the AXIA community to help grow the utility of the AXIA Network would be a huge positive!

If you’re looking to become an ambassador for the project, ask yourself if your application ticks at least one or two of these boxes — the more the merrier! If it doesn’t meet any of the criteria, it may not be a good fit. Ultimately the team wants to develop an ambassador community that has a great time running their events while also driving a significant and real impact for the project. The aim is to spread awareness of the AXIA Project and the benefits it can deliver to everyone in attendance in a major way. No idea is too grandiose, think big and if you have the tools to pull it off, AXIA will work with you to help you realize your vision!

AXIA Global Ambassador Program: the intangibles

At this point you may be saying to yourself, this sounds great, but what’s in it for me? That is a reasonable thing to want to know! In reality, there are a number of different benefits to becoming an AXIA Ambassador, including:

Growing your industry profile — Are you passionate about blockchain and/or Web3? Are you working a traditional job and have been itching to make the jump to this new societal and technological frontier? Well, here’s a way to grow your experience in this space at no cost to yourself. Add a new section to your resume or portfolio highlighting everything you achieve as an ambassador for AXIA and take the next step in building your profile as an industry leader.

Promotion within the AXIA community—In the same vein as the first benefit, you will be able to further grow your profile by partnering with and receiving visibility from AXIA and its already-established community. You’ll have the opportunity to be featured on the AXIA website, on the project’s global social channels, or maybe even lead events or workshops on platforms like Discord.

Connect with your local community or host virtual events and grow your network around the world.

Networking — Host events (in-person or virtual) for and with like-minded people and develop connections locally or globally that could have a huge impact on your life, both personally and/or professionally.

Following your dreams…for FREE! — Have you always dreamed about launching your own blockchain meet-ups in your local city but not been able to afford renting a space each month? Or maybe you’ve daydreamed about throwing your own hackathon but not had the operating costs? Now you may be able to pursue something you’ve always wanted to do while getting funding from AXIA to do so. A win-win for both parties!

Let’s not forget hyper-deflation — Anybody who has followed AXIA for a while knows that any and all staking, activity and transactions within the AXIA Ecosystem can have a positive impact on all other participants due to the hyper-deflationary tokenomics of AXIA Coin and the AXIA Network. Well, every time an ambassador helps educate their own communities and ultimately onboards someone into the project, those hyper-deflationary tokenomics are enhanced that much more.

Swag and other goodies — Outside of funding, the AXIA team will be constantly looking for ways to reward its most productive ambassadors! That could include providing things like swag or NFTs as prizes for ambassadors to give away during events, discounts on future AXIA products and platforms for your entire local communities, or other perks that are intended as a reward for all your amazing work.


The AXIA Ambassador Program will help grow and develop the AXIA community by empowering current community members to play an active role as project partners and educators for the long term while also growing their own presence and skills in the industry. The program will not fit into a particular silo but rather give applicants plenty of room for creativity while providing them with the opportunity to come up with innovative and unique ideas that can be realized through hard work, planning and execution. Ambassador proposals will not be judged purely on scale, some may want to develop extremely bold proposals while others may want to do something more reserved. Either option is fine but will ultimately be weighed by the team in terms of what it will cost versus what level of impact it can have.

Don’t know where to begin? Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • Traditional IRL meet-ups
  • Quarterly hackathons
  • Monthly virtual quiz nights
  • AXIA-sponsored food drives
  • User-generated social media campaigns

Of course, these are just ideas. You’re free to come up with whatever concepts you want! The number of ambassadors onboarded each month will be completely dictated by the quality of entries the team receives. There could be 10 ambassadors onboarded one month and 5 the next, there will be no quotas to fill and everything will be based on merit alone.

The launch of the AXIA Ambassador Program is the start of another exciting era for the project. Not only will the team begin to have a more collaborative relationship with its global community, but AXIA can also start to have a presence in a number of physical spaces in a melting pot of countries around the world as the number of users and participants for its digital products and platforms continues to grow simultaneously. If you’re interested in leaving your mark on the world and the AXIA community while growing your own brand at the same time, submit an application and embark on the next wave of the project — right along with the team!



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