Corona Evolution & Evaluation

What humans should learn?!

Selim Salman
9 min readMar 29, 2020
To build such a road, efforts needed!

We are facing #corona virus #covid19 nowadays which is being called as the biggest challenge humans are facing since WWI or WWII. As with our fast pace life and advancements in technology besides luxury we have, compared to former human generations, we are on top. But this means not only Corona but also more challenges to come so that we need to find a way to face these challenges with the least negative impact and maximising the benefit. This article tries to raise the awareness and find a way of salvation.

I want to reach the root cause of how Corona and such epidemic has been evolved by firstly highlighting the impacts:

  • Biological: Many people could die, the people we love or even ourselves. we cant use our hands normally; we must reconsider a basic sense of action and touch with our hands with objects and our faces.
  • Social: we need to keep distances from each other physically. We should not visit others. We keep physical connections to the least.
  • Psychological: loneliness, the effect of physical distancing and adopting new ways of living.
  • Economical: many companies have lost a lot of money and some are steps from bankruptcy. Some people lost their jobs. A new big recession in the way.
A point of view of how Corporates can even manipulates governments in the crisis time while small companies are suffering to survive!

All this happened by a tiny creature we cant see with our eyes. This virus can cross borders and move between continents. What if is just transformed to contaminate the air so that even our breath becomes very expensive to have?! What if we face multiple challenges in the same time: Epidemic, natural disaster, aliens attacking… etc?! What could be the action? We are just too weak. All this civilisation that we are proud of, can be destroyed in moments. Is it so disappointing? Not really, Hope is always there. Let us discover a way on, may be something in here could make sense.

What is happening?, Short-term negatives:

  • Greediness even about little stuff: klo-papier “Toilet paper”, soap and rice.
  • Copy inauthentic material and publish on your page
  • Make fun of a serious topic with a careless attitude
  • Abuse the crisis and abuse people in need
  • etc…
At the top country of the world, there is no enough medical supplies to fight such challenge.

Long-term Negatives I have hated since a long ago and the majority of people consider it normal, just briefly listing:

  • Capitalism: highest value is money, everything is monetised, They want to make us believe in money. Actually, they are almost successful. Mostly you can buy everything with money. Money over ethics paradigm; Is this what we want to reach?!
  • Social capitalism: better but worse: a mix between extreme right and extreme left would not lead to middle but Chaos and unfairness.
  • Hard bias and extremism: The Left wing is always right; No, the Right wing. Neither both.
  • Fake news and un-referencing “Anti-authenticity” especially in Social Media… The <Likes> economy make us forget about basic ethics. Copying data without mentioning its origin credits is just stealing. For more: here
  • Marketing and Consumer Culture: using marketing strategies to manipulate minds to create so-called needs that are not. Fashion and trends are just illusion most of the time.
  • Abusing women (and sometimes men too) for the sake of capitalism and marketing: using woman as a product or as a selling catalyst destroys the idea of human equality and fairness.
  • Egoism: Me, myself and I. Individualist culture is not the natural human nature. You cant live alone and you cant live healthy in a sick community.
  • Undeserved ownership: trying to have what is not for you by all means. (e.g. spreading lies about opposing party in the so-called democratic elections)
  • Paradox of choice: More is less in everything. Described the whole topic in here.
  • Media Terrorism: Devilizing a certain Religion, ethnicity is not a fair act. Doing so have more negative impacts and side effects not only on the accused side but also on the accusing side and the community in whole if we think long-term not just momental. A basic role: If a human commits a crime, he is criminal and should be punished. That is it. For more: here.
  • Uncaring behaviour: In any part of the world, if oppression and unfairness is happening as normal and we consider it as normal or we did not care because we are far away. This also needs to be changed.

It is not that dark, I have seen some positives here and there (especially in the current time) which give some hope:

  • Empathy with Introverts: People could feel how it would be to be introvert/lonely or how it is when you are isolated or far away from your home. At Corona Time, introverts lives have not changed that much!
  • Responsibility: More self-control and having a distance from the closest because you care about them.
  • Innovation: for example Hackathons for good, new solutions should be developed for remote work. Using digital means to conduct activities, meetings, sport coaching, forced e-learning.
  • Solidarity: which is a major mean and characteristic that a human must have. if we can call one is, a human. e.g. helping old people who cant go and shopping because they are more vulnerable for infection, Countries helping each other.
  • Value of Time: We have more time now to spend with families, to learn, discover and even to write this article.
  • Industries for consumable fun stuff shift to more useful stuff. I am not against fun but I am in favour of prioritisation, responsibility and good sense of humanity.
  • Changes in live settings for Art and Theater; Online live youtube theater shows. Virtual tours for museums. Publicly available for all.

I do not feel much of change in my life after Corona. Somehow I feel released from all the chains, the trends and marketing putting on us. I do not need to check which meetups/events I need to join, which new people I have to catch up with. Who I should telephone to arrange an outing. Where could be my next plan for a trip??? All these questions are gone; What a release? I liked to go out, I traveled a lot because I have the privilege not because I really want to. I just feel I am more tolerant with current situation because I was trying to live something like this. When life squeezes you hard, you become more capable of going on without much drama. If you once had a big dream that has been destroyed by powers you cant fight and you have yet survived, you know it already, it does not worth all that running. Some of the clever you, would say: it is a depression or he does nt have a life and that is why… Actually, may be you are right, it depends on how you define life (check life post).

As for an introvert, a migrator, so-called single, all of these were “out of comfortable zone”. Just overwhelming. I have different interests than the main stream but it is hard to stay away because humans need to connect by nature but then one would lose his interests and could be lonely even while surrounded by many. Totally, on the other side, I do not like Corona that people are anxious and panic. They are afraid to lose life or to lose a close someone. I am also afraid to lose any of my loving ones. We need to recognize what ment to be will be. We need to have the balance, the secret key word, to keep going, doing our best efforts to contribute to our fellow humanity, of course trying to enjoy our time and realizing that life can be gone in a moment and everything would collapse just because of a tiny creature we cant see. realizing that will give the exact meaning of life (Not 42 if you know what I mean).

Actually, I cant deny it. I liked the impact of Corona on our society. The forgotten aspects of our lives which we need to reconsider. certainly, there is a lot of side effects but somehow I believe that we reached a point where a breakpoint should happen. The roles of capitalism, materialism and entertainment have a defacto higher priority than what should be like purpose, ethics and good will.

Let us remember again, it could happen in a moment what we take for granted is not really granted everything can be just go away and everything can just vanish. Just in a moment. We become so consuming because mostly everything we consume is what the Capitalism marketing do and manipulate our minds with. Luxurious stuff become basic needs and so on. I believe totally some become basic need as matter of progress but some also are just marketing approach. How we should dress? what we should eat? where we should live? what to buy? The list is going on and on and human greediness will also go on. Why I call it greediness? when the disadvantages are more than the advantages for the public then it is greediness and should not be adopted. But who cares in the capitalism system?! Anything value nowadays is measured by money but not the real value to people. It is a kind of simulation if everything is not dealt with its reality. The real price of any product is much less the simulated consumer price. We are paying for logistics and for marketing too. so the overall value is much less than the effort we have exerted to get the money to buy this or that product. Do we need a transformation of how we value things and how it is being marketed? It is another big topic in a chain of other big topics. They are different topics but everything is just connected, you need to build the big picture and connect the dots.

Children and people die from hunger while other have more food waste, People prisoned and oppressed unfairly under dictatorships while the big powers support these dictatorships to retain their own benefits, Wars happens there where many innocent got killed or just trying to escape while other are benefiting from the warfare, a business with billions of dollars, the list never ends and even more. In a crazy unfair world made by humans against humans, corona was expected and more even challenges to come. We need to change our attitudes, leave our ego, clean up our intentions, be fair to each other, consider we are one world, pray well to god and may be we could recover. We need to wake up!

Some people suspect the danger of corona and they think it is a kind of conspiracy. Some people think of supporting governments in this Corona situation by staying home, by providing medical equipments to support the increasing number of infected people and so which is really good efforts to solve the recent cause not the root cause. It is not arrogant to say it is a materialistic solution for a physical cause. If Corona is dangerous? if it is not, We need to look deeper and use this difficulty as an opportunity; We need an attitude solution to the root cause.

Let us adopt a new old life ONE reference: ONE human, one big family, one Earth and one universe. I am free as long as I am not doing harm to this ONE. I am afraid that what will come next will be even more dangerous and more stronger that need a stronger community and reaching this would not be with the current approach we are still going.

The keyword is Attitude, human attitude would be the solution for all of our present and future challenges, how? through the Rules of Attitude:

  • General benefit over private benefit.
  • Avoid greediness, egoism and extreme desire.
  • Add value and contribute.
  • Have hope and be positive.
  • Think win/win.
  • Learn equality in terms of equity.
  • Do not follow fashion and shiny trends except only if it makes sense.
  • Adopt honesty, transparency and trust.
  • Try not to judge and forgive.
  • Give a hand and support.
  • Do not let money to be the main value in your life.
  • Live with honour and dignity, if not die with it.
  • Life is short to hate, just love!
  • Avoid copying and stealing others thoughts, ideas and repeating without authenticity but give credit and share what makes sense while still open sourcing.

May be this is the life of attitude that we should live rather the other current one. May be Corona has come to recenteralize our lives to a way that makes sense.

It is an alarm and opportunity, we use it or let us face the worse.

Perhaps you dislike something and therein much good.



Selim Salman

Diversified Software Technologies Engineer/Evangelist, Ubiquitous Computing Researcher, Digital Nomad!