Five Things You Should Do Before 2017

Amanda N.
4 min readDec 28, 2016


A short list of things you can do to get a jump start on 2017

2016 has been a doozy for some and for others it has probably been one of the greatest years of their life. I’ve had a pretty good year myself but what cannot be ignored is 2016 on a larger scale. I mean it definitely had one too many before January 1st and could have definitely used a designated driver to get us through the craziness of what was this year. I’m sure a lot of us are ready to put the bad behind us and move into 2017 ready for a new beginning as we shout “New Year, New Me” from the roof tops (Yeah, I know you hate the saying but hey people can make changes in a year….like major life changes! Stop being a self-improvement party pooper). So here are some quick things you can do to get a jump start on 2017!

  1. Get a planner. The planner is important because you’re going to have a lot going on in 2017 and you need to make sure that you don’t miss a beat. In the age of technology it’s really easy to just put everything in an electronic calendar and set up alerts to remind you about events. What’s so great about a paper planner is that it forces you to really look over your schedule and when you write things down you are more likely to remember them. You should definitely try to grab you a planner before January 1st, the good ones can be hard to come by after the year gets under way. I’m using the Passion Planner this year because it helps you to plan out your long term goals. The Passion Planner won’t get to you by Sunday but once you order it you get access to the free PDF version that you can use until your planner arrives. My other favorite planner is by Moleskin, their weekly planner is great for giving you space for your weekly appointments and writing out any other notes/ideas that you have.
  2. Make a To Do List. At the end of 2014 I took my Knock Knock To Do pad and decided that I would use it to write out my to do list for the new year. It was a great reminder of the things that I wanted to get done. It kept me focused on the work that I needed to do to move closer towards my dreams. I did it again at the end of 2015 to get ready for 2016 and again it served as a great guide to move towards getting things done. So write out what it is that you want to accomplish in 2017. Write it down, post it somewhere you can see it everyday, and do the work so you can see it all manifest in front of your eyes. Check out my 2016 To Do List!
  3. Let Go of Toxic People. If they did not bring you joy and happiness this year let them go. The new year is about starting off fresh with a new outlook on life and striving towards becoming a better person than you were this year. Can you do that with that person in your life who is always doubting your dreams? Always putting you down for being you? Jealous of your accomplishments? Intimidated by your greatness? Did you just answer no? Well it’s time to let them go.
  4. Start that new great habit or let go of that old bad one. So January 1st is like the ultimate “I’ll start on Monday” (I know it falls on Sunday this year but just stay with me) whenever we want to start something new or let go of something old we always say “I’ll do it on Monday” . Well look if you want to start going to the gym, learn how to cook, do better with your money, do better in your relationship, or just do better start today. You don’t have to wait on January 1st to move towards being a better you, whatever that looks like! If you plan on joining a gym go get that new membership today, if you plan on learning how to be a better cook start looking up cooking classes today, if you plan on saving more money go to the bank or plan out how you’re going to to do that today, if you’re going to stop being a toxic person start doing that today. Why wait on January 1st if these are things that you want to do right now?
  5. Reflect on the good that happened in 2016. Again, I do understand that 2016 was drunk off it’s ass but there had to be some good moments that happened this year. I personally make a memory jar every year and whenever something good happens I write it down and put in my jar. It can be hard to reflect on the good if you’ve had it rough but I challenge you to think of at least five good things that happened to you this year.

It’s a short list but I’m sure that these are some simple things that you can get done before Sunday. I have the utmost confidence that you will be ready to slay and will slay this upcoming year!! As a bonus I’m adding some of my favorite self-help books that I have read this year or will be rereading in the new year to help me stay focused on my goals.

See you in the new year!!

Amanda’s Get In Gear Reading List:

  1. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincerio
  2. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
  3. What Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam
  4. The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason



Amanda N.

Marriage and Family Therapist. Sexologist. College Instructor. I want to be great at what I do & inspire people to love and live the life they choose.