The app that helps you manage and track the freshness of your food

5 min readJan 1, 2022

This app may appear very unnecessary to some people but if you once had something in the fridge go bad and you didn't know about it and that very item was still taking space in the fridge every time you bring in some fresh groceries then I guess this app would really help you. Believe me, it will.

The app we are going to look at today is known as Kiff.

What is Kiff?

Kiff is an app that aims at helping you save money and time by being able to manage your fridge or pantry. It also aims to reduce food waste as pointed out on the app's website. Now I know to some this is going to sound very crazy but trust me once you start using the app and you make it part of your life then you will definitely notice a very huge difference.

Just imagine this for a start, You are in your room and you feel hungry and you are wondering if you have anything you could quickly munch in the fridge and at the same moment you have your phone in your hand while these stomach numbing thoughts are going through your mind how cool and amazing would it be to just open Kiff and boom there are all your items inside the fridge or pantry. Pretty sick right? I totally think it is.

Here is another good and very common example. You are walking or driving back…




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