Love Beyond Stars

Aakriti Jain
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Once upon a time, in a forest nestled between two great mountains, there lived a bird named Luna. Luna was a curious and dreamy bird, with feathers as white as snow and eyes that shone like the stars. She was enchanted by the night sky and spent every evening gazing up at the moon, mesmerized by its gentle glow.

As the days passed, Luna's fascination with the moon grew stronger. She began to see the moon as a symbol of beauty, peace, and wonder. She would often perch on a branch, her wings spread wide, and sing sweet melodies to the moon, hoping it would hear her love songs.

One night, as Luna was singing her heart out, a gentle breeze rustled her feathers, and she felt a strange sensation wash over her. To her amazement, she found herself lifted off the ground and carried upwards, higher and higher, until she reached the moon itself!

The moon, in all its luminescent glory, smiled down at Luna and spoke in a soft, silvery voice, "Dear bird, I have heard your love songs and seen your devotion. I am pleased to grant you a single wish, what is it that you desire most?"

Luna thought for a moment, her heart racing with excitement, and replied, "I wish to be with you always, to fly alongside you through the night sky, and to sing my love songs to you forevermore."

The moon smiled again and said, "Your love is pure and true, little bird. From this day on, you shall be my constant companion, and together we shall light up the darkness, spreading joy and wonder to all who see us."

And so, Luna and the moon became inseparable friends, soaring through the night sky, their love shining brighter than any star. From that day forward, the moon glowed with an extra sparkle, and Luna's songs filled the air, a celestial serenade to the beauty of the night.

