Chapter 1 : Whisker’s cozy refuge

Aakriti Jain
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Once upon a time, on a gloomy rainy day, a tiny kitten named Whiskers found herself all alone, shivering with fear and cold. She had been separated from her mother in the chaos of a fierce storm. Whiskers' big green eyes scanned the desolate streets, searching for a place to hide from the relentless rain.

As she wandered, her little paws splashed in puddles, and her soaked fur clung to her tiny body. Whiskers meowed plaintively, hoping someone would hear her cry for help. The rain drummed against her ears, making her feel even more scared and alone.

Just when Whiskers thought she couldn't take it anymore, she spotted a faint light in the distance. With newfound hope, she padded towards the warm glow, her tail twitching with excitement. As she drew closer, she saw a cozy little house with a welcoming porch.

Whiskers' eyes fixed on the open door, and with a burst of courage, she darted inside. The warmth enveloped her like a soft blanket, and she collapsed onto the dry floor, panting with relief. A kind old woman, Mrs. Hopkins, discovered Whiskers and scooped her up, cradling her in her arms.

Mrs. Hopkins provided Whiskers with a warm bowl of milk, a soft towel to snuggle up in, and a safe haven from the storm. As the rain subsided, Whiskers realized she had found a temporary home, filled with love and comfort, until she could be reunited with her mother. From that day on, Whiskers lived with Mrs. Hopkins, hoping to be reunited with her mother soon.

