Musk open-sources Twitter algorithm! The recommendation mechanism is officially public and the GitHub Star count has reached 10000

Aaron Drake
8 min readApr 7, 2023

Having waited and waited, Musk has finally delivered on his open source promise.

Musk open-sources Twitter recommendation algorithm code

On 31 March, as Musk has repeatedly promised, Twitter made part of its source code officially open source, including an algorithm for recommending tweets in users’ timelines. The project has already received 10k+ Stars on GitHub.

GitHub :

On Twitter, Musk said that he was releasing “most of the recommendation algorithms” and that the rest would be made available. He also mentioned that he wanted “independent third parties to be able to determine with reasonable accuracy what content Twitter might show to its users”. During the Space discussion on the release of the algorithms, he said the open source initiative was to make Twitter “the most transparent system on the internet” and to make it as robust as the best known and most successful open source project, Linux. “The…



Aaron Drake

A software engineer who has been working for 8 years, worked for google, facebook, and likes to study all kinds of technology.